Most birthday says my blog related news are at:

Bertuah andai diuji 29 May 2011 | 10:37 pm
~TEST~ Korang tahu tak.. Kita sebenarnya bertuah kalau diuji. Ujian tu satu rahmat sebenarnya. Ibarat pekerja2 yang diuji tuannya, amik exam segala untuk naik pangkat dan naik gaji. Ujian ni Allah b...
Nur Kasih [2011] Review : Seimbang 19 May 2011 | 09:27 am
Nur Kasih The Movie [2011] Release Date : 19 Mei 2011 Genre : Epic Drama About : Di Pawagam 19 Mei 2011 Directed By : Kabir Bhatia Written By : Mira Mustaffa Screenplay By : Mira Musta...
More birthday says my blog related news:
Combination Static – Blog 5 Aug 2010 | 09:01 am
What do I mean when I say, static – blog? Since you can install blog software like wordpress into a subdirectory or into a folder making it part of your original website. This allows you to use one do...
7 followers and no blog posts can't be a bad start. 11 Aug 2010 | 06:51 pm
First I'd like to say, that blogging has never been a success in the past; but I guess I'll give it a shot anyway. So, here I am. A girl with quite a big problem. I'm addicted to fear. Since I was ...
Happy Belated Birthday to my blog! 29 Oct 2011 | 09:20 am
I forgot my blog's birthday was October 25th. Since it is the 28th, now its a belated birthday. Also, the blog is nearing 6000 pageviews! A Double Whammy!
Less or More? 23 Jun 2011 | 06:33 am
Don't let the general title confuse. I am just trying to find a balance within my blogosphere. Here are the scenarios... If I release say 1 blog a day I find I sometimes end up cramming a lot of jumb...
Best Blogging Platforms 6 Jan 2012 | 06:21 am
It cannot be exaggerated when you say that blogging has become an effective medium to spread the knowledge and awareness on many aspects only next to printing medium. Every individual has got a blog t...
Make Money Online – Start a Blog 11 Apr 2012 | 08:02 am
Got something to say? Start Blogging! If you write anything worth reading, you may generate a following. Which could make you money. If you write something ground breaking or life-changing, you could...
RADIO 1 Sep 2008 | 10:30 am
For the first birthday of this blog, here's to you the seventh Catasto's release, featuring an unusual, special guest joining the usual, totally improvised session: an analogic radio... The Link: MED...
CATASTO ELETTRICO - Radio 1 Sep 2008 | 10:01 am
For the first birthday of this blog, here's to you the seventh Catasto's release, featuring an unusual, special guest joining the usual, totally improvised session: an analogic radio. You can let us k...
happy 1st birthday. 22 Jul 2009 | 10:30 pm
hep hep! hoooooray! today i celebrate the 1st birthday of my blog... hmmm. a roller coaster year for the both of us, a mixture of funny and sad moments, hellos and goodbyes, pain and suffering, smiles...
Finally! saye update blog. ;) 14 Apr 2011 | 09:54 pm
Owh! da lame rasenye tidak menghupdate blog neh. Rindu amat! Followers makin bertambah. time kasih pada yang follow. (Walau ku tahu ni sume kijo kakak ipar ku). Hahaha.. Pada yang berblogwalking d...