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Mehr parlamentarische Kontrolle? Geheimdienste auflösen, den polizeilichen Staatsschutz gleich mit? 27 Aug 2013 | 04:15 pm
Morgen soll der Abschlussberichts eines “Expertengremiums” veröffentlicht werden, in dem eine Überprüfung der Sicherheitsgesetze vorgenommen wird. Es geht um den sogenannten “Otto-Katalog” des frühere...
Was FDP und NPD mit Quark gemeinsam haben 27 Aug 2013 | 03:38 pm
In sozialen Medien macht ein Bild die Runde, das dieselbe Sequenz einer finnischen Quarkwerbung auch in der Wahlwerbesports von FDP und NPD gefunden hat. Und tatsächlich, es stimmt. Blöd gelaufen. Und...
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美联储的真正挑战者:Bitcoin 20 May 2011 | 03:16 pm
BitCoin,这个基于P2P和公开密钥的虚拟货币系统,大概可以称得上是人类有史以来最重大的创新之一了。 从技术角度而言,Bitcoin可能算不上重大的发明。(有关的技术细节可以参考这里) 但是从金融角度而言,Bitcoin的意义绝对非同凡响: 阅读全文
The Good Wife Season 3 Episode 13 Bitcoin For Dummies 16 Jan 2012 | 07:54 pm
Alicia defends a lawyer who hires the firm after the government arrests him for not revealing the name of an anonymous client: a mysterious computer programmer who illegally invented a new online curr...
Betaling met bitcoins mogelijk 4 Apr 2012 | 02:28 am
U krijgt bij ons zowiezo een anonieme blog en wij zullen nooit de strikt noodzakelijke gegevens die wij vragen met derden delen. Wenst u echter nog meer zekerheid dat uw privacy ten alle tijden gegara...
Setup a Bitcoin mining rig powered by Linuxcoin & Smartcoin 20 Jan 2012 | 11:09 am
Bitcoin: distributed crypto-currency This guide will cover how to build a dedicated/headless/automated GPU Bitcoin mining rig running the Linuxcoin operating system and Smartcoin miner management. W...
Send bitcoin easily with Coinapult 26 Apr 2012 | 09:37 am
PayPal finally took off when they pivoted into their successful email money service. The formula is easy. You can send money to anyone all you need to know is their email address. As long as they are ...
比特币挖矿,不用显卡也能行 19 Jul 2011 | 01:40 am
我的电脑显卡不好,只能用cpu挖矿。 经过反复实验,终于成功挖到了bitcoin币。总算体验了一把。 网站只能采用 不能采用 挖矿软件用: ufasoft: bitcoin-miner.exe 速度一般是1.8mh 用法参考地址
Waluta wirtualna Bitcoin i jej transwery 27 May 2012 | 12:01 pm
Wirtualna waluta BitCoin istnieje już od jakiegoś czasu. Jest też serwis bitcointransfer , który umożliwia zakup kampanii reklamowych czy transfer środków do PayPal. Bezpieczeństwo wirtualnej waluty ...
Three new tools 10 Jul 2011 | 07:36 am
I'm working on three new Bitcoin tools: Bitcoin Conduit, Bitcoin Relay, and Bitcoin Nexus. The plan is for these tools to work in concert together. I probably won't get very far by myself, but I do pl...
Bitcoin intro and talks in Berlin (11th May at 20:00) 9 May 2012 | 12:19 am
c-base is holding a day on p2p technologies on the 11th. From 20:00 will be the section on Bitcoin. If you want to do a talk, then email me ( and I’ll add you to the schedule. 11th...
Patronage, Bitcoin and Scientific Music: My Story 3 May 2012 | 08:36 am
PayPal, well renowned as a major headache for many online retailers, has been less than ideal for this business model, in part due to their percentage cut and questionable business practices. New tec...