Most black ops weapon stats related news are at:

חליפות חתן 9 Mar 2011 | 03:47 am
אנו צריכים אנשים כמוכם שיתנו מעצמם לכתוב מאמרי חליפות חתן שונים שאנחנו כותבים רוב הזמן... יש לנו דפים מכל מיני ערים בארץ של מעצבי בגדי חתן שונים. אנחנו רצינו שכל מעצב חליפות חתן יהיה ייחודיות משלו, ו...
חליפת חתן 28 Dec 2010 | 04:19 am
הווה נבחין בכמה סוגים שונים של חליפות חתן : הטוקסידו לדוגמא יכול להיות תמיד טוב בתור חליפת חתן, הם נמכרים לרוב בשביל האנשים היותר עשירים מביננו, יהיו כאלו שיעדיפו ללבוש את הטוקסידו גם בשביל אירועים אח...
More black ops weapon stats related news:
COD Black Ops Weapons 26 Dec 2010 | 12:38 am
John here and in this article we're going to speak about cod black ops weapons. That is one in every of my favorite things about cod black ops. They're just so many cool weapons that you need to use i...
Call of Duty ELITE – Status update 24 Nov 2011 | 11:54 am
In case you have not heard or noticed, Call of Duty’s new application ELITE which allows you to see tons of stats recorded and compare to your friends and what they have achieved on MW3 and Black Ops;...
Black Ops Tips – Take Out a Contract 11 Feb 2011 | 01:22 am
There are different types of Contracts you can take out: Mercenary, Operations and Specialist. Mercenary Contracts are generally based around weapons and personal performance. Operations Contracts cen...
Rank Top 10 of February 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Today, 1 March the Ranks/Stats are resetted on our Black Ops server 'SniperOnly HardCore | by '. At the beginning of February we made an new promotion that the highest non-admin ...
Call of Duty ELITE – Status update 24 Nov 2011 | 06:54 am
In case you have not heard or noticed, Call of Duty’s new application ELITE which allows you to see tons of stats recorded and compare to your friends and what they have achieved on MW3 and Black Ops;...
BO2 Multiplayer – Confirmed Perks,Weapons, Attachments, and more... 15 Aug 2012 | 03:29 am
Image: Straight out of this year’s Gamescom, we get an in-depth look into the multiplayer of Treyarch’s upcoming Call of Duty: Black Ops 2...
Excited Yet?? 8 Nov 2012 | 12:49 pm
I bet you all are, with less than a week now to the release of Black Ops 2, How are you feeling about it, Are you looking forward to the new weapons, the new emblems and titles or the new … Continue r...
COD Black Ops 2: Weapon Damage Chart and Statistics 13 Nov 2012 | 12:44 am
Weapon Damage chart showing Rate of Fire, Reload times, Mag Size, and Damage. Fire Mode: Full Auto (FA), x Round Burst (3RB, 4RB), Semi Auto (SA), Bolt Action (BA), Pump...
Mods war_ops 7 Dec 2012 | 10:31 pm
Codutility-france is a mod with the weapons and the sounds Black Ops V3 include config Download
Mods waw_ops 7 Dec 2012 | 10:27 pm
Codutility-france ( waw_ops ) is a mod with the weapons and the sounds Black Ops for call of duty world at war , fix gametype gg and sharpshooter Download