Most black reach captain conversion related news are at:
– Ferrus Manus : Warhammer 40K Iron Hands
WIP : Ferrus Manus on Bike (post 3) 9 Oct 2009 | 09:53 am
Today I had some time to continue my Ferrus Manus on his bike. First I attached the shield and then I got into a hard and hazardous process : making the cape with green stuff. That's what I got. I tr...
WIP : Ferrus Manus on Bike (post 2) 6 Oct 2009 | 06:36 am
Here are some pictures of my Ferrus Manus on Bike project. (You can find the first post here) I attached the power axe and I'm currently testing the global position of the model. I want it to be rathe...
More black reach captain conversion related news:
Iron Hands Captain from Black Reach 21 Sep 2009 | 08:04 am
Here's my Iron Hands captain, from the Assault on Black Reach box. The original backpack has been changed for a custom one. The Iron Hand icon has been casted with green stuff from the forgeworld icon...