Most blackwater tubing new zealand related news are at:

Our first 10 travel tips 29 Mar 2011 | 10:25 pm
Up to this point, I have had a hard time giving out travel advice. We have learned as the trip has gone along. But seeing as though we are 24 hours shy of successfully circumventing the globe, I think...
Leave of Absence 28 Mar 2011 | 09:54 pm
When I first wrote about and announced our trip, Eric got upset with me for calling the trip “his dream.” He was somewhat concerned that I had played along while he talked about his dream of travel an...
More blackwater tubing new zealand related news:
Win A tube of Award Winning Nappy Rash Cream - Now CLOSED 1 Sep 2011 | 07:40 am
Simply the best - BabyBaby Barrier Nappy Rash cream cures even the most resistant nappy rash thanks to our not so secret ingredients of Manuka and Kanuka oils. Native to New Zealand these oils work gr...
Something different - aeroplanes and Hobbits 13 Nov 2012 | 01:46 am
Just in case you missed this, and fly or like Hobbits, here is the latest video from our national airline. In two weeks this Air New Zealand video has had over 8.7 million views on You Tube, which se...