Most blake snyder related news are at:

Using the Beats to Write and Direct a Documentary That Swings for the Fences 23 Aug 2013 | 07:04 pm
The official trailer for “The Judge and the 8th Wonder” The 15-Beat Structure works wonders on narrative projects, but can Blake Snyder’s philosophy bring structure and energy to documentary films an...
The Last Time I Spoke with Blake – Joe Whyte 16 Aug 2013 | 07:01 pm
Joe Whyte and friend Our gratitude to today’s blogger, Joe Whyte, an actor, digital artist, and writer living in Valencia, CA. With 16 years at Walt Disney Animation Studios as a 3D Modeler and vo...
More blake snyder related news:
Using the Beats to Write and Direct a Documentary That Swings for the Fences 23 Aug 2013 | 07:04 pm
The official trailer for “The Judge and the 8th Wonder” The 15-Beat Structure works wonders on narrative projects, but can Blake Snyder’s philosophy bring structure and energy to documentary films an...
The Last Time I Spoke with Blake – Tracey Jackson 2 Aug 2013 | 06:58 pm
Tracey’s favorite photo of Blake, celebrating his 50th birthday Blake Snyder died 4 years ago this week. We’re celebrating his life with a new series of blogs. And there’s no one we’d rather start...
Structure vs. Formula 28 Jul 2013 | 02:56 am
A recent essay on Slate blamed the structural outline in Blake Snyder's book Save the Cat for the formulaic nature of Hollywood movies. The essay has been getting a lot of play lately. It's well writt...
Day 136: 17 Minutes to Your Dream: Structure, structure, structure 3 Aug 2013 | 01:23 pm
Today, I’m headed to San Francisco to speak at a TLI. I learned more about: Structure, structure, structure! Blake Snyder clearly lays out the “beats” of the script and explains them each. These are ...
Day 135: 17 Minutes to Your Dream: It’s about a guy who… 2 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Today I’m back in Vegas and reading more from Blake Snyder’s book: Save the Cat. I love this book. Brilliant in its power and simplicity. You can learn from my highlights, but you’ll take much more fr...
Blake Lively’s cleavage is out of control 23 Dec 2010 | 04:09 pm
Blake Lively’s tits were spotted strolling around town ready for some serious motorboating. Geezus…those things should have a license. I’m serious they could kill me with a stroke. Well, I could kill ...
Tiffany Blake lets them hang 12 Nov 2009 | 07:59 am
Tiffany Blake isn’t the prettiest girl around, but she has some huge 38G tits, and they are all natural, so she is ok in my book. And of course like all girls on this site she fucks on camera for mone...
Pre-Order the Serious Eats Book 29 Oct 2011 | 07:27 am
Pardon the shameless shill for a moment, but we're both pretty excited about this. As most of you probably know, Blake and I have been writing the Dinner Tonight column over at Serious Eats for we...
James Blake y Les Savy Fav en concierto en Madrid y Barcelona 15 Apr 2011 | 06:00 pm
Después del paso por el Primavera Sound 2011, la fiesta no para, sino que aún va a haber más por algunas ciudades de España. Después de conseguir traer a Deerhunter durante estos días, desde la organi...
Masque moto cross Scott Hustle MX team MXDN USA 30 May 2012 | 07:17 pm
Offrez vous le masque vainqueur du Motocross des Nations 2011, porté par Blake Baggett membre du team USA. Bandeau avec bande de maintien en silicone Scott Fit System pour régler le masque à la morph...