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NEWS 28 Jul 2011 | 12:12 am
For those who wish to help with the cd sales for Super Junior's 5jib, please click on this link and read the information here:
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, Eunhyuk 1 Nov 2011 | 05:40 pm
I couldn't hide my disappointment after I read this article. uniors-eunhyuk-im-the-least-cute-in-super-junior-so-stressed/ I watched Strong Heart with Super...
Download: Korean Ringtones (part 6) ~Special SuJu "Mr. Simple" [with SNSD and the others]~ 9 Aug 2011 | 10:18 pm
Ohohohoho, annyeong reader! How are you today? Kekeke, lagi-lagi gw ngerusuh di blog ini. Yup, kali ini dalam rangka Super Junior "Mr. Simple", gw khusus buat ringtone-nya (omo! they're sooo hooot~!)....
Super Junior and Wonder girl Malaysia ?? 29 Apr 2011 | 05:07 pm
Haip !! dah mai dah budak sewel nie .. budak sewel nie nak membebel sensorang lagi la nie . Huh !! ta tahu malu betul laa .. Suke hati aku laa nak bebel ape pun .. blog aku , aku punye suke laa . te....
[K-Pop-Spot] Super Junior’s Leeteuk angers some radio listeners 26 Feb 2011 | 10:50 am
English: ATTENTION: 1. Don't Forget To Click Adsense & Comment ! 2. Please Share Our Link To Your Friend! 3. Don't Forget To Rate Below! 4. Please Follow This Blog! Some fans are frowning upon S...
[K-Pop-Spot] Super Junior Concert with 3D Movie, Released on 24th! 25 Feb 2011 | 08:03 pm
English: ATTENTION: 1. Don't Forget To Click Adsense & Comment ! 2. Please Share Our Link To Your Friend! 3. Don't Forget To Rate Below! 4. Please Follow This Blog! Super Junior’s live concert h...
[K-Pop-Spot] Filipino ELFs Excited For SS3 + TRAX As Special Guest! 25 Feb 2011 | 08:02 pm
English: ATTENTION: 1. Don't Forget To Click Adsense & Comment ! 2. Please Share Our Link To Your Friend! 3. Don't Forget To Rate Below! 4. Please Follow This Blog! Super Junior had just finishe...
Super junior Sexy, Free & Single Mv 13 Jul 2012 | 06:35 am
Hi minna!!! Han pasado ya unos dias desde que actualice pero ahora aprovecho de entrar de nuevo al blog esque estoy un poco ocupada con el trabajo y el estudio xD pero aun asi como les dije hace tiemp...
Super Junior !!! 12 Apr 2010 | 04:31 pm
J'ai découvert un super groupe : les super junior !!! Pour tout savoir sur eux allez sur ce new blog : ICI !
Gyere és nyerj Super Junior CD-t 29 Jun 2013 | 07:53 pm
Egy olvasótól / baráttól a minap kaptam egy Super Junior CD-t, mégpedig azzal a céllal, hogy cselekedjek a legjobb belátásom szerint. Nos én úgy döntöttem, hogy a blog olvasói között szeretném kisorso...