Most blog naming contest related news are at:

This Blog Has Moved 9 Jul 2010 | 01:18 am
After a great get-together last night, we are ready to move the blog to a new format that has more functionality and is more esthetically pleasing. Please change your browser bookmarks to this website...
Weekly Links 9 Jul 2010 | 12:48 am
Rules: link Thursday Drug bust at Israel airport, Hasidic Jews arrested (time for another Tehillim gathering?): link The cost of being Jewish: link Rabbinic group’s resolution expands women’s role...
More blog naming contest related news:
Free Domain 5 Jun 2008 | 10:38 am
Do you feel your blog name is too long? If we create a blog, use blogspot or wordpress service, we have to make a name to our blog, it should be like "" or "". Do yo...
Maxblogpress is running their first ever “Everybody Wins” contest in their blog! 27 Oct 2010 | 10:40 pm
The contest starts from 26 oct midnight and ends on 29 oct midnight. It’s a fun contest with an awesome prize even for just participating. There will be total 5 lucky winners and each winner will rece...
Midweek Reading: Exorbitant Privilege Edition 15 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
Stock market of Brussels (Photo credit: Wikipedia) I’ve been reading some really interesting posts on FOFOA’s blog, namely Inflation or Hyperinflation? and Peak Exorbitant Privilege. These posts go o...
"Random Search" 23 Oct 2009 | 01:39 am
I couldn't find anything for "Life at Random Search" - my blog name - and modified it to just "Random Search"..... So much of scientific write-up on the first page... Nothing light headed... or emotio...
Make Your Blog recognized by Search Engines 3 Dec 2011 | 10:15 am
You Need To Make Your Blog recognized by Search Engines 1. Open site in your Internet browser. 2. In the box "Blog Name" enter "Name Your Site" 3. In the "Home Blog Ho...
how to delete navbar from blog.... 19 Aug 2011 | 05:49 pm
1.Sign in to your blogger account and click the design button next to your blog name 2.Next,click the edit html tab as shown in the below picture. 3.Add the below html code as specified in the below...
! Swan Song 23 Jan 2010 | 07:04 pm
As the Blog name suggest, it was indeed a lazy period of almost 9 months. Call it gestation period or whatever floats your boat. So I kick-start the another season of blogging with my 1-min Short mad...
Shazwanphotografix 23 Apr 2010 | 11:53 pm
Name : Syazwanul Asyraf Bin Nor Azmal Email : Blog Name : Shazwanphotografix Categories : PHOTOGRAPHY URL :
Tawfique 20 Apr 2010 | 06:10 am
Name : Eimiza Tawfiq Bin Azmi Email : Blog Name : Farcielioque Categories : INTERNET & PERSONAL URL :
PaehEditor 20 Apr 2010 | 05:18 am
Name : Muhammad Faeez Email : Blog Name : PaehEditor Categories : POLITICS URL :