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How Do You Like My Blog....& Oh, I'm Getting Married 7 Jun 2007 | 04:08 pm
So how do you like the new look of my blog? Sara at Bling My Blog did a fabulous job don't you think? I know it's bright...but I love color!! A little news... Potty Training - Wow!!! is all I can sa...
4º Trabalho - Modelos e Métodos de Intervenção com Adultos 18 Jun 2011 | 05:00 am
Trabalho de Modelos e Métodos de Intervenção com Adultos do grupo da Sara Rei - Neuropsicolgia de Esquemas =)*
This blog, Sara Cat Writes, will continue soon 6 Mar 2013 | 02:24 am
Sara Cat, 2000-2013 Sara Cat passed away 'went to the Rainbow Bridge' on February 6th, and I just have not been able to do anything with her blog yet. Sara was my favourite, and it hurt to see her go...
Saraapril Fan Art by Missygirl156 :) 27 Aug 2013 | 06:20 am
I love your blog, Sara! Thank you, Missy! Let’s party! …High Five Missygirl156 and THANKS for your Artwork :) TOGETHER WE ROCK! Saraapril Fan Art :)
Tip 5.21: You can use Show All to find your hiding Toolbox controls 26 Aug 2013 | 11:22 pm
“Visual Studio Tips, 251 ways to improve your Productivity in Visual Studio“, courtesy of ‘Sara Ford’ Sara Ford’s Blog Sara Aside This tip comes directly from the developer who works on the Toolbox...
Tip 5.17: You can use * to expand all and / to collapse all in the Toolbox 24 Aug 2013 | 12:09 am
“Visual Studio Tips, 251 ways to improve your Productivity in Visual Studio“, courtesy of ‘Sara Ford’ Sara Ford’s Blog Sara Aside These keystrokes are not actually specific to the Toolbox, as they ...
Tip 5.16: How to stop the Toolbox from autopopulating with items found in the solution 23 Aug 2013 | 12:54 am
“Visual Studio Tip, 251 ways to improve your Productivity in Visual Studio“, courtesy of ‘Sara Ford’ Sara Ford’s Blog Sara Aside The idea for this tip came from a blog reader. She’ll admit that she...
Tip 5.13: You cannot enable Stop Search on the Output window 20 Aug 2013 | 01:24 am
“Visual Studio Tips, 251 ways to improve your Productivity in Visual Studio“, courtesy of ‘Sara Ford’ Sara Ford’s Blog Sara Aside You may have noticed the Stop Search command on the Output window c...
Saraapril Fan Art by Missygirl156 :) 27 Aug 2013 | 06:20 am
I love your blog, Sara! Thank you, Missy! Let’s party! …High Five Missygirl156 and THANKS for your Artwork :) TOGETHER WE ROCK! Saraapril Fan Art :)
É Possível Um Blog de Sucesso Sem Conteúdo? 2 May 2012 | 10:44 pm
A frase mais dita e ouvida na blogosfera é: “o conteúdo é rei”, o que é a mais pura verdade, pois sem conteúdo não há blog. Se você quer ter um blog de sucesso cuide muito bem do conteúdo. 6 Dicas Pa...