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Wow! Pisang Ajaib Buahnya Muncul dari Batang Pohon 22 Jan 2012 | 10:44 am
Pisang Nangka Ajaib Kebesaran Tuhan kembali ditampakkan. Seperti yang terjadi di Blok Sukalaya Desa Cinambo Kecamatan Bantarujeg Kabupaten Majalengka, sebuah pohon pisang berbuah tidak seperti lazimn...
[Download] Pedoman Pembuatan PTK 24 Dec 2011 | 12:47 am
Secara singkat, penelitian tindakan adalah suatu bentuk peneli- tian refleksi diri yang dilakukan oleh para partisipan dalam situasi-situasi sosial (termasuk pendidikan) untuk memperbaiki praktik yang...
More blogger majalengka related news:
Award Friend Kanggo Kang Iwan 17 Aug 2010 | 06:57 pm
Alhamdulillah, ternyata Kang Iwan dengan blognya yang ini, mendapatkan award dari Pa Mumun, salah satu Blogger Majalengka juga. Weleh, geuning jadi Bahasa Indonesia..hehehehe.. Jadi isin ieu teh, blo...
Kang Iwan Susanto, Blogger Majalengka 15 Dec 2009 | 01:21 am
Sip lah, ayeuna simkuring rek mulai nulis profile tokoh, cie ileh tokoh, hhehehehe.. nya pokoknamah jalmi atawa saha kitu nu aya di Kabupaten Majalengka, mulai ti Blogger, artis, seniman, atawa saha w...
Wordless Wednesday #8 29 Jun 2011 | 04:01 am
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t ne...
Wordless Wednesday #7 22 Jun 2011 | 04:45 am
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t ne...
Wordless Wednesday #6 15 Jun 2011 | 09:38 pm
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t ne...
Wordless Wednesday #5 8 Jun 2011 | 04:57 pm
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t ne...
Wordless Wednesday #4 1 Jun 2011 | 06:11 am
On Wednesdays all over the internet, bloggers post a photograph with no words to explain it on their blog. Hence the ‘wordless’ title. The idea is that the photo itself says so much that it doesn’t ne...
Simon Barrett, Blogger News Network 21 Apr 2012 | 06:26 am
Simon Barrett of Blogger News Network said some nice things about Janson Media… The video world was also exciting in 2011. There are two companies that deserve great recognition, Acorn Media and Jans...
Real Estate Bloggers 17 Mar 2010 | 02:30 am
Blogging – A blog is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video (this is our blog) ...
Rene packt aus – oder ein? Und Blogger drehen durch… 8 Aug 2010 | 12:58 pm
Die Geschichten um Ex-Bewohner Rene werden immer kurioser und so langsam mache ich mir ernsthafte Gedanken um dessen Verfassung. Nachdem nun klar war, dass die Ankündigung er würde wohl ins Haus einzi...