Most blogger meet up related news are at:

Should You Launch a Review Blog? 20 Aug 2013 | 03:55 pm
If you’re considering whether you should launch a review blog, here are some of the factors that will come into play.
LBM Audible #12: Getting Excited about LGBT Theatre with Camilla Halford 17 Aug 2013 | 01:54 pm
Our show guest this week is Camilla who is the founder of the multi-author blog
More blogger meet up related news:
Bloggers Meeting 6 Jan 2007 | 10:37 am
Hi there bloggie, happy new year & happy eid. :******** I know, I know, I haven’t blogged for ages, although I was around reading everybody else's blogs. So, I have this confession to make, I went y...
northen blogger meet up 16 Jun 2011 | 01:52 pm
---------------------------------------------------FORWARD-------------------------------------------------- Khas kepada blogger yang duduk di Kedah atau kawasan sekitar. Rasanya dah lama aku tak anj...
Indiblogger Meet : Univercell – Chennai 25 Mar 2010 | 02:13 am
Hmm.. what an experience. Got an invite from Indiblogger for the Blogger meet in Chennai sponsored by Univercell. Immediately registered for the event. The day came. Reached the spot 15 minutes before...
A Long Overdue NYC Blogger Meet Up Day 14 Feb 2012 | 03:50 pm
When I moved to Connecticut back in October, I had the intention of going into New York City a lot. Like every week. But, of course, life gets busy – I work many days each week, and only get in once ...
In Search of the Holy Grill at the Open Blogger Meet 4 Feb 2007 | 09:00 pm
Most of the Mumbai blogger late evening meets that I have attended have culminated in dinner. (OK, one. But that was at Café Baghdadi. So there ). So, when I toddled off to the open bloggers’ meet yes...
हैद्राबाद में चिठ्ठागोष्ठी ( bloggers meet ) 14 Apr 2010 | 02:18 am
हमारे शहर हैदराबाद में ईंडी ब्लागर्स की ओर से चिठ्ठागोष्ठी (bloggers meet) का आयोजन होटल सेलेक्ट मनोहर (त्रितारांकित) में रविवार 11 April को किया गया. यूनिवर्सल वालों ने इसे स्पांसर किया था. इसी की एक...
Bloggers Meet-up! KL!! 20 Dec 2010 | 10:31 pm
I can't imagine how long has it been since I last blogged. So much has happened during the time I was absent and I must say that one of the best things was that I got to meet so many wonderful people ...
Lenovo Blogger Meeting 18 Aug 2008 | 06:08 am
Talking about bloggers, some people may think that they are hard to deal with, some people may think that they have their own language and people outside of their circle won’t be able to talk to them....
Google Maps Blogger Meeting 23 Jul 2008 | 05:41 am
Yes, I am writing about Google again and again as I am a Google Advocate. On tonight (July 22) we bloggers gathered together in Lumiere IFC to join the “Google Maps Blogger Meeting“. Google just lau...