Most bloggers meet in mumbai 2011 related news are at:

The incredible music of Salim Khan and Sikander Langha 24 Aug 2013 | 06:33 pm
It has been almost 3 weeks since my Suryagarh trip, a trip that will go down as one of those trips of a lifetime. Being able to see the incredible monsoon desertscape, to visiting lesser known and pop...
Something new, something old: Jaisalmer revisited 18 Aug 2013 | 11:26 pm
The vista is quite dramatic. The yellow desert stretches out in all directions for as far my eye can see, dotted here and there with green vegetation. At first glance, the green appears random, but t...
More bloggers meet in mumbai 2011 related news:
In Search of the Holy Grill at the Open Blogger Meet 4 Feb 2007 | 09:00 pm
Most of the Mumbai blogger late evening meets that I have attended have culminated in dinner. (OK, one. But that was at Café Baghdadi. So there ). So, when I toddled off to the open bloggers’ meet yes...
Mobile Bloggers Meet-Up 10 Sep 2011 | 11:55 pm
On August 19, 2011 Obopay India was host to a group of mobile bloggers at our Mumbai office. The meet was aimed at showcasing the Obopay services to the blogging community. Attending the meet were Obo...
Samsung Galaxy S - Preview, Features & Review at Bloggers Meet, Mumbai 3 Jul 2010 | 10:34 am
July 2 ' 2010: Samsung, the pioneer of Mobile Communication and Electronics showcased the future beyond', next generation Smartphones- Samsung Wave & Galaxy S to all the Bloggers at an Event held at ...
Mobile Bloggers Meet-Up 10 Sep 2011 | 07:55 pm
On August 19, 2011 Obopay India was host to a group of mobile bloggers at our Mumbai office. The meet was aimed at showcasing the Obopay services to the blogging community. Attending the meet were Obo...
MSME Meet-2010 23 Aug 2011 | 07:28 pm
MSME Meet-2011 Now we are organizing Northern India MSME Meet in association with Chamber of Small Industries Associations, Mumbai (COSIA) in Jaipur which is scheduled for the last week of September,...
Dose of Her :') 25 Sep 2011 | 10:36 am
*borrowed from* I'm sooooo sorry baby! I didn't open blogger for such a long time already. So, I've just read this. SORRY! I'm ....
2011 Adoption Bloggers Interview Project-Meet "Adoption in the City" 27 Nov 2011 | 07:23 am
So how's this for a day late and a dollar short? FINALLY posting my 2011 Adoption Bloggers Interview! There are tons of writers paired together who ask each other deep, insightful questions, about a...
Meeting for consideration of Unaudited Quarterly Results 19 Jul 2012 | 01:02 pm
GRS/396/J November 4, 2011 Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd., 25th Floor, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai 400 001. Dear Sirs, Sub: Meeting for consideration of Unaudited Quarterly Results ...
Pizza Meet - June 2012 11 Jul 2012 | 01:42 pm
The beer and wine festivals in Mumbai and Pune kept me so busy between October 2011 and Jan 2012 that it was impossible to find the energy and time to organise a PGC meet. In March I discovered tha.....
Indian Bloggers come together across the globe. 10 Sep 2012 | 10:22 pm
Come September, Indian bloggers on opposite sides of the planet come together to celebrate blogging. Mumbai | Register now Vodafone & IndiBlogger bring you the most spectacular IndiBlogger meet yet,...