Most blogosphere related news are at:

Late Night Music Open Thread 27 Aug 2013 | 12:12 pm
. Courtesy commentor PIGL. The girl can sing, y’all. And then again… this, from the New Yorker: … This seems as good a time as any to reflect on Ronstadt’s greatness, which might cheer us up a litt...
It’s Steve’s World and We’re Just Living In It 27 Aug 2013 | 10:44 am
Sometimes you just gotta run the dogs out of the room and have some “me” time on the couch: It completely and totally cracks me up how quickly he took over this house. If Steve is sitting in a doorwa...
More blogosphere related news:
Blog Action Day – Environmentally Friendly Online Business 16 Oct 2007 | 10:23 am
Today is Blog Action Day which, as I mentioned previously, is a day where the blogosphere unites to talk about a single pressing topic as a whole. The topic for this first annual Blog Action Day is th...
Welcome to WordPress 31 Jan 2011 | 06:26 pm
Seton Hill’s blogosphere (first created in 2003) is now powered by WordPress. Any member of the Seton Hill community can register for a free weblog. All you need is a email address. Am...
New Site for a New Year: We're Now LIVE at 1 Jan 2010 | 06:01 pm
Yes that's right, as of Jan. 1, 2010, Smitty and I have relocated our glorious blogospheric action to Same wonderful content, new groovalicious WordPress format.
Bodysurfing the Blogosphere; or, It’s Okay To Talk About Money, Right? 1 May 2010 | 04:02 am
Ever since Nina Paley released her critically-acclaimed film Sita Sings the Blues under a free license, people have been asking her “But how does it make money?” That was never the most important ques...
How to Stay Sharp when You’re Getting Dull 26 Sep 2011 | 03:02 am
After blogging for any extended amount of time, it’s bound to happen. Maybe you’re the exception to the rule, the Energizer Bunny of the blogosphere, if you will. But for the rest of us, there’s a g...
Pepperjam Giving Back to Bloggers 23 Jul 2008 | 12:22 pm
Pepperjam swept through the blogosphere and picked up some great affiliates. What really put Pepperjam over the top was the top bloggers referring. You can say that bloggers really shaped Pepperjam in...
PepperJam Network Sweeps Blogosphere 12 Feb 2008 | 08:28 am
The Pepperjam Network has launched (or re-launched) with huge success and praised by bloggers. I reviewed Pepperjam on my blog about a month ago and have already earned 50$ just for referring bloggers...
KOBAMATA – Komunitas Blogger Smasa Magetan 18 Nov 2011 | 03:38 pm
KOBAMATA…nama yang lahir di blogosphere SMAN 1 Magetan atas keinginan blogger-blogger sman 1 magetan untuk membuat komunitas blogger di sekolahnya. Anggotanya adalah siswa dan alumni. Kobamata muncul ...
The Deal; or, Why I Won’t Write a Bucket List. 12 Feb 2012 | 06:19 am
A few weeks back, a “bucket list” phenomenon swept the WoW blogosphere. Inspired by Cynwise, people asked themselves, “What do I want to do with my characters before Mists of Pandaria arrives?” I loo...
A social experiment to be performed on the commentor known as 'GabbyD' 28 Jul 2011 | 12:51 pm
Most people in the small subset of the Philippine blogosphere that I have come to know best in the last several years are familiar with a commentor who goes by the name "GabbyD". The following is a li...