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snipsnapshots 2 Dec 2011 | 09:05 am
Hello everyone! With so many pictures I took yesterday, I thought I'll scrimp on text for another entry :) I love blogging about food, clothes and my girls - these things keep me sane. With my DSL...
Italy Here I Come!! 20 Apr 2012 | 01:26 pm
Finally the day has come!!! All those days of eating non blog worthy food with the goal of shedding a few kilos for my trip to Italy has paid off!!! I take off tomorrow morning in the wee small hour...
thank you god for this little piece of heaven 7 May 2009 | 05:39 pm
I am always sceptical on how some people blog about food and give free advertisement for restaurant.....but somehow i must admit my lunch today was worth a post or two!!!!!!!! im sure a lot of people ...
Sir, may I know what's your order? 2 Dec 2010 | 01:55 am
No, I'm not blogging about food. Or Nachos. Ahem. To me, sexuality is a preference. Everyone is presented with a menu and you choose what you want from the list. Below I've described sexualities meta...
Valentine Dark Chocolate @ Home Made 4 Jun 2009 | 03:23 am
I’ve been leaving my food blog for about a month due to my heavy workload, I think it’s time to update and blogging about food again. At the Valentine Day few months ago, my gf and I didn’t know how t...
Lunch date at Buon Giorno Ortigas 17 Apr 2011 | 04:55 am lives once more! I’ll be honest… I’ve been shying away from reviewing restaurants and blogging about food intentionally for the past few months. I was training for my first-ever 42.2km roa...
Food! 8 Jun 2007 | 02:11 am
One thing I have not spoken about on this blog is food. Quick quiz. We eat in a: 1. DFAC (Dining Facility) 2. Mess Hall 3. Chow Hall 4. All of the Above Actually, we eat at the DFAC, but we go to “...
Five Freezer Rules: Back to Basics #4 12 Feb 2012 | 02:32 am
I lead a very full life. As previously mentioned, I live with two dogs, two teenage boys, a husband and a cat. I’m a corporate communications consultant and a food consultant. I blog about food. I swi...
Ma tarte aux pommes normande 17 Feb 2012 | 05:13 am
Voici la tarte que j'ai faite ce week-end. Il s'agit de la tarte normande de Julia Child que j'ai trouvé sur le blog de Food Box, merci à toi Lilibox ;o) Cette recette est une merveille, tout d'abord ...
Sea Creatures 8 Jan 2010 | 05:03 am
I was asked by someone (we call him BC) why do I mostly blog about food. In appreciation for the scrumptious seafood dinner he treated us to last night, this post is dedicated to address his comments....