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– Hal's Progressive Rock Blog
The Hollies-Kleinhans, Buffalo-October 19, 1972 6 Oct 2012 | 02:56 am
Hollies Kleinhan's Music Theatre Buffalo, NY October 19th 1972 Conversion = 2nd gen cassette>Pioneer Stand Alone Burner PDR-609> EAC> Soundforge 9.0>CD Architect 5.2>Wav>Flac Sound Quality 5 - 6 o...
Vanilla Fudge-1969-11-22-San Antonio,TX 2 Oct 2012 | 02:53 am
Vanilla Fudge .... NOV. 22, 1969 Hemisphere, San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. Taper, & Taping Gear: ??Unknown?? Lineage: "AUD" 3rd Gen 2005 Download "AUD MASTERS> 3RD GEN CASS> AUDIO CD'S> SONY SCREENBLAST...