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E se os maiores clubes de futebol do mundo tivessem símbolos minimalistas? 27 Aug 2013 | 05:15 pm
Já imaginou um símbolo minimalista para o seu time de futebol? O estúdio de design Manara, da Palestina, imaginou – talvez nao para o seu time, mas para vários dos maiores clubes do mundo, como Barcel...
O espaço de trabalho que todo designer gostaria de ter – veja se é isso mesmo 27 Aug 2013 | 04:47 pm
Segundo a ilustradora e artista gráfica Vanessa Medina, essa é a estaçao de trabalho dos sonhos de qualquer designer – veja na íntegra abaixo. Tem praticamente tudo que ele precisa bem à mao – ou nos ...
More blue bus noticias related news:
THE BLUE BUS IS CALLING US... 23 Mar 2012 | 11:33 pm
Como diría mi amado Baudelaire: "Yo soy la herida y el cuchillo..." y lo vuelvo a citar con esta frase: "La fatalidad posee una cierta elasticidad que se suele llamar libertad humana." y me despedido ...
TSV 1860 München "Think Blue" Bus erstmals gezeigt 19 Jul 2013 | 01:02 am
Der Volkswagen-Slogan "Think Blue" ziert die Trikots des TSV 1860 München der Saison 2013/14 und natürlich auch den Bus, mit dem die Löwen unterwegs sind. Beim Zweitliga-Auftakt der Sechziger am 19.07...
Meet me at the back of the Blue Bus 5 Jun 2013 | 08:02 pm
While out on my first lengthy bike ride of the year, I spotted this Blue Bus parked in the industrial zone of lower Magnolia. The blue bus is callin’ us, the blue bus is callin’ us Driver, where you t...
All Aboard the Big, Blue Bus: A Comedy of Errors and Aging in the Andes 18 Jun 2013 | 03:30 pm
Here in Ecuador, at least in my mountain town, public transit is a great equalizer, bringing together generations and social classes, Ecuadorians and ex-pats, alike. The buses of Cuenca connect, not o...
Colin Scot - Out Of The Blue 1974 20 Aug 2011 | 04:40 am
"Out Of The Blue" is the third and last album by UK Folk Rock artist "Colin Scot" from 1974. Track Listing 01. Smile (3:00) 02. Mr Blue (3:31) 03. Continental Trailways Bus (3:25) 04. Analine (5:47)...
Ukraine, Odessa, vehicles on busy street by Gapys Krzysztof 22 May 2008 | 11:47 am
Architectural, Architecture, Automobile, Background People, Blue, Bright, Building, Building Exterior, Bus, Busy Street, Car, Cities, City, City Living, City Location, Clear Skies, Clear Sky, Color, C...
Tiba di London, Chelsea Disambut Ribuan Fans 21 May 2012 | 09:06 am
London - Kota London berubah menjadi biru saat Chelsea pulang membawa trofi Liga Champions. The Blues dapat sambutan sangat meriah dari fansnya saat berpawai keliling menggunakan bus terbuka. Chelsea...
Kids Green / Yellow / Blue Mercedes Benz School Bus Toy 16 Mar 2012 | 06:14 pm
An unusual green bus toy model is available here, which is made from alloy, used for bus body, engineering plastics and rubber, used for bus wheels. Just from the outward appearance, it is so vivid an...
In to the blue.... 16 Sep 2011 | 01:36 am
Some stuff I have taken around Batticaloa at last vacation. 1. Batticaloa Bus stand 2. From Navaladi Beach __________________________________________________________________________________________...
Presentación del nuevo disco de José Cruz “Lección de Vida” 5 Feb 2009 | 08:07 am
Primeras noticias de eventos para este 2009. Transcribo del correo que enviaron ayer martes 3 de feb. Actualización (fe de erratas): Gracias al comentario de “amigo blues” me doy cuenta de que cier...