Most blue exorcist related news are at:

Nouvelles Séries - septembre 2013 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
L'attaque des Titans épisode 20 sur Wakanim 26 Aug 2013 | 07:32 pm
Intitulé "Erwin Smith ~La 57e expédition extra-muros~ ", ce vingtième épisode de L'attaque des Titans est disponible en 720p et 1080p sans pub et sans DRM sur Wakanim. Dans un monde ravagé par des ti...
More blue exorcist related news:
Kazè Manga 17 Mar 2012 | 10:56 am
Endlich ist es soweit, der neue Manga Verlag Kazè (Link) ist da. Die ersten neuen Manga sind nun seit der Leipziger Buchmesse da: Blue Exorcist Toriko Nura – Herr der Yokai Midnight Secretary Aku...
Neues Review: Blue Exorcist 10 Jan 2012 | 05:40 am
Ein neues Review zu 'Blue Exorcist', einem der ersten deutschen Kazé Manga, wurde geschrieben.
Ao no Exorcist Vols1-6 27 Nov 2011 | 08:50 am
Nome: Ao no Exorcist Nomes Alternativos: Blue Exorcist, The Blue Magic Exorcist; Ao no Futsumashi; Exorcista Azul Gênero: Shounen, Romance, Sobrenatural Autor: Kazue Katou Artista: Kazue Katou Re...
Majorly Spoiled and Blue Exorcist 16 Aug 2011 | 02:50 pm
I recently got majorly spoiled on Naruto manga, personally I don't normally mind spoilers because it's way more exciting for me to read/watch it myself. However I kind of dropped out of the anime comm...
Дата премьеры фильма «Blue Exorcist» 24 Jul 2012 | 02:12 am
Полнометражный анимационный фильм «Blue Exorcist» выйдет 28 октября. Студия «A-1 Pictures», режиссер Атсуси Такахаси (Atsushi Takahashi). Источник: При копировании т...
Goods: Aoi no Exorcist Okumura Rin & Yukio 1/8 PVC figures (Megahouse, Blue Exorcist) 30 Jul 2012 | 12:45 pm
Update 30 July 2012 with wonderfest summer 2012 pics. Look at these gorgeous boys! ♥ Title: Aoi no Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) Okumura Rin 1/8 PVC figure 青の祓魔師 奥村 燐 Price: ??? Available: December 2012 Ti...
6 - AnimeFun 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Watch latest episodes of Bleach, Naruto, Blue Exorcist, One Piece and more or watch new animes of the year. Anime's here are being updated daily and join our kool community today!!
Re: [MF]Blue Exorcistมือปราบผีพันธุ์ซาตานVol.1[01-08/25] [พากย์ไทย/ญี่ปุ่น][ซับไทย] 20 Aug 2012 | 10:34 am
Anime Neuerscheinungen August 17 Sep 2012 | 08:31 pm
Die Anime Neuerscheinungen im August: Blood-C Blue Exorcist – Vol. 2 [Blu-ray] Blue Exorcist – Box Vol. 2 [2 DVDs] One Piece – 10. Film: Strong World [Blu-ray] One Piece – 10. Film: Strong World Priva...
Трейлър на Blue Exorcist филма 19 Nov 2012 | 05:27 pm
Понеделник, официалният сайт на Blue Exorcist започна да излъчва пълния трейлър на филма. Галерията на сайта също беше обменена в понеделник с различни сцени от филма. Първия филм е вдъхновен от свръ...