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Day in the Life with a 10 month old! 27 Aug 2013 | 12:00 am
The last time I did a day in the life post, Livi was 6.5 months old. Wow. So much has changed since then! I’m kind of exhausted reading that post. Liv stopped getting a bottle at about 8 months. We s...
Friday Five: Thoughts, Recipes, Workouts, Reads & Inspiration 23 Aug 2013 | 04:38 pm
Happy Friday! I’ve been super lucky to have my sister off this week to give me a hand with Olivia…yet this still was a completely exhausting week! Not really sure how, but I think it’s from not havi....
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Bob Harper Yoga for the warrior review 11 May 2012 | 01:58 am
Yoga for weight loss and calorie burn Bob Harper’s Yoga for the Warrior is one of the DVDs in his popular Inside Out Method series. The first time I worked out with Bob was with Yoga for Weight Loss, ...
Bob Harper Yoga for the warrior review 10 May 2012 | 06:58 pm
Yoga for weight loss and calorie burn Bob Harper’s Yoga for the Warrior is one of the DVDs in his popular Inside Out Method series. The first time I worked out with Bob was with Yoga for Weight Loss, ...