Most body piercing related news are at:

Ex-Wife joined the tribe 27 Aug 2013 | 11:48 am
I discovered yesterday that my ex-wife joined the tribe 9 weeks ago. She is my ex but I sent her a friend request anyway and was quite surprised that she excepted. She is also into piercings so make h...
Psychic Readings To Help Any Person Figure Out Your Success 27 Aug 2013 | 08:45 am
online psychic ( can show families the signals those somebody's your twin flame. Generally, common twin fire clues will consist a overwhelming know of love to attraction, a good se...
More body piercing related news:
Body Piercing: Is It Safe Or Not? 30 Nov 2006 | 12:34 am
Modern world is world of craze and expressive style. You all want to look graceful, modish and eye-catching according to newest fashions. Piercing is a sizzling and tardiest fashion during these days ...
Eyebrow Piercing FAQ 15 Oct 2010 | 11:22 pm
To date, the eyebrow is one of the most common places for body piercing. Moreover, an eyebrow – most suitable place for a puncture, due to the thicker skin than in other parts of the body. Pierced eye...
Online Belly Rings for Your Best Purchases 12 Aug 2010 | 01:09 am
Are you crazy about Belly Rings? Do you want to follow latest body adornment style and trend? If your answer is yes, then you can buy innumerable varieties of body piercing jewelries from local and on...
Tattoo Apprenticeship Portfolio 15 Aug 2010 | 12:27 am
If you would like to be a tattoo artist you are required to undergo training that will help you understand the basics of tattooing and body piercing. Tattooing is an art and requires the artist to be ...
Body Piercing Workout 15 Aug 2010 | 12:09 am
Body piercing has become one of the fashion statements along with tattoo. Many people would pierce their bodies with small rings, pins and different shaped needles for that sexy and savvy look. Tattoo...
Express Your Heart’s Language with Body Piercing Jewelry 28 Mar 2012 | 12:43 am
So, you got a new piercing done? Or is it your friend? How about getting a great piece of body jewelry for your friend? And anyway, gifting yourself is always the best gift you can give anybody! The p...
Style and Self-Expression come with Body Piercing Jewelry 20 Sep 2011 | 11:29 pm
Body piercing jewelry has always been a big craze for people of all ages. With the releasing of the ban of body piercing after the medieval ages, people began to be more and more expressive about thei...
The ULTIMATE in Women’s Body Piercing 23 Feb 2012 | 11:55 pm
I just received this in an email and thought I would share it. I am confuse as to why women … Continue reading »
Affordable Body Jewelry 1 Mar 2010 | 04:34 pm
As the body piercing jewelry and continuously pass through a pop-culture and society, more and more people use this style of fashion statement. Currently, both the rich and popular, you can decorate w...
Where can I find cheap wholesale body jewelry 21 Feb 2010 | 04:34 pm
Along with the popularity of body piercing jewelry is in high demand. If you're one of those who underwent body piercing and body jewelry are often variable, it should now look cheap wholesale body je...