Most bologna to florence related news are at:

Little Otsu Annual Planner 26 Aug 2013 | 12:32 am
This years Little Otsu planner is out now. Its full of drawings and patterns by me, so if thats a thing you like you can get one here.
Minnows 9 Aug 2013 | 04:59 pm
First things first this book is an experiment. There are flawed bits and good bits and bits that are almost what I wanted but not quite and bits that are better than I expected. Its mostly me having a...
More bologna to florence related news:
Brunelleschi - Italy 15 Sep 2007 | 02:54 am
Guest Rating 76% The hotel is in a perfect spot of Florence centre literally 2 minutes from the main square though there are no problems with noise. Although the staff were not overly enthusiastic or ...
rando du dimanche matin 20 Jun 2010 | 05:31 am
Est ce que demain matin (20/06) une rando est prévue et a quelle heure? bonne soirée a tous. Florence
17 Giornata: Formazioni entro le 20.15 20 Dec 2009 | 02:45 am
Rinviato per neve l’anticipo Bologna – Atalanta la consegna delle formazioni slitta alle 20.15 prima dell’anticipo serale Fiorentina – Milan. Nel caso in cui Fiorentina-Milan venisse rimandata prima d...
Serie A: Inter ko, super Napoli, male la Lazio 24 Jan 2011 | 07:56 am
Pranzo amaro per il popolo nerazzurro, l'Udinese vince e convince dimostrandosi micidiale, 3 a 1 sull'Inter. Napoli da scudetto, 2 a 0 sul Bari e meno uno dal Milan. A Bologna casca la Lazio con un su...
Florence & The Machine. Ao vivo no Abbey Road 2009 18 Jun 2010 | 04:50 am
A cada dia que passa gosto ainda mais de Florence + The Machine. Apresentação da música Hurricane Drunk
Convocazioni Prandelli per le qualificazioni europee 4 Oct 2010 | 06:31 am
La novità principale per la doppia sfida di qualificazione europea con Irlanda e Serbia, si chiama Mauri, vediamo gli altri convocati. Portieri: Viviano (Bologna), Sirigu (Palermo), Mirante (Parma); ...
Home Page 19 Mar 2009 | 09:12 pm
Welcome to Florence Guide This portal is a guide to Florence aimed for those who not only want to learn about the city famous for its works of art, and birthplace of illustrious personage like Dante,...
SMART COPS | HOLY | 13/1/2012 27 Jan 2012 | 01:13 pm
Covo Club - Bologna
Unusual Coffee Tables by Yvette Cox 24 Jul 2011 | 08:59 am
The Florence Coffee Table is designed by Yvette Cox. This piece of modern living room furniture features strips of steam-bent wood which basically create a draped ribbon effect. The designer specializ...
Home Page 19 Mar 2009 | 09:12 pm
Hotel Villa Carlotta is a romantic Patrizia style nineteenth century villa in the center of Florence, situated in a tranquil green oasis near Piazzale Michelangelo, the Ponte Vecchio and the Calza con...