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阿里巴巴数据库历程:放弃 Oracle 选 MySQL 的来龙去脉 27 Aug 2013 | 01:33 pm
作者:eygle 发布在 题注:这是一篇转引的历史文章,原文是 冯春培 的演讲主题记录,链接参考: 在这个主题中,冯春培 和我们分享了阿里巴巴去Oracle,选择MySQL以及之后对于其他数据库产品的使用和尝试,这些亲历者的讲述对我们尤其具有参考价值。 【IT...
祝贺ITPUB论坛12周年 - 2013 已是12年转瞬 21 Aug 2013 | 09:30 am
作者:eygle 发布在 转眼,ITPUB论坛已经有12岁了,12年的光阴不同寻常,12年的岁月转瞬就流逝了。在ITPUB周年来临的日子,我写下一段文字,用于记录这段难忘的时光,也祝贺ITPUB论坛生日快乐: ITPUB是我们永远的精神家园 >>在我们每个人的青春年华里,都可能有幸和1~2个网站结下不解之缘,ITPUB论坛正是我永远难以忘怀的成长之地,我们在这里学习、积累,...
More bonnie related news:
Unleash your power with Bonnie's Free People Ruffle Corset Jacket from The Vampire Diaries 26 Jul 2010 | 12:00 pm
We all know that celebrities tend to try their hand at several different things, making the most of their 5 minutes, but it’s rare that they succeed at more than one thing. Whether it’s putting out an...
Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - I See A Darkness 14 Apr 2010 | 01:36 am
Basicamente, a música deveria ser feita para causar emoções no seu ouvinte, as mais diversas possíveis. Muitas vezes ela acaba passando longe daquela que o próprio autor tinha intenção, algo como fica...
Bonnie & Clyde [Polar Musical] 19 Dec 2009 | 11:19 am
Le 14 et 15 Mai 2009 à 20h30 à SAINT GENGOUX LE NATIONAL Halle de la marchandise voie verte en BOURGOGNE Cécilia sera présente pour le spectacle " BONNIE and CLYDE" (Le Polar Musical)! Après si elle ...
Nové fotky Bonnie 29 Oct 2009 | 03:37 am
Z novozélandského časopisu No.magazine
Rekonstruálják Hatsepszut királynő parfümjét 28 Mar 2009 | 12:32 am
Hatsepszut királynő parfümjét kísérlik meg rekonstruálni a Bonni Egyetem kutatói. Az aprócska illatszeres üvegcsét az egyetem Egyiptomi Múzeumában őrzik. A 3500 éves flakonon az uralkodónő neve olvash...
Re: Elimination-Game 22 Feb 2011 | 09:43 am
Damon: 12 Stefan: 6 Elena: 10 Bonnie : 9- Caroline: 10+ Matt: 9 Tyler: 8 Jeremy: 11 Alaric: 11 Jenna: 14
Before Sunset – S3 E21 11 May 2012 | 08:32 am
Klaus tries to leave town with Elena, but he encounters resistance from a new enemy. Meanwhile, Bonnie gets Abby to help her with a difficult and dangerous spell. Bookmark It
Do Not Go Gentle – S3 E20 27 Apr 2012 | 08:57 am
The school holds a 1920s-themed dance, and Caroline goads Elena into asking Stefan to accompany her. Meanwhile, Bonnie invites Jamie to the dance; Klaus tries to derail Tyler’s plans for Caroline; and...
The Murder of One – S3 E18 30 Mar 2012 | 08:14 am
Damon and Stefan focus on a plan to destroy Klaus. Meanwhile, Klaus threatens someone close to Bonnie in order to force her to conduct a spell for him. Bookmark It
All My Children – S3 E15 17 Feb 2012 | 08:08 pm
Elena learns about a startling indiscretion by Damon. Meanwhile, Bonnie and Abby take part in a ritual to appease the spirits of nature; and Elijah gives Damon and Stefan a dangerous ultimatum that pu...