Most books meme related news are at:
Living in a Blended World. Reading and Technology. 11 Mar 2013 | 04:07 am
What do you use your screen(s) for? It is highly unlikely that you will be reading a printed copy of these words. We live in a world of blended media today and that brings with it a few new features. ...
#FridayReads beginnings and endings… 10 Dec 2011 | 01:41 am
There has been much written about the origins of FridayReads and how it became so popular. More recently there has been a great deal about the fact that Bethanne Patrick and her crew have been making ...
More books meme related news:
My life in books…in 2011 31 Dec 2011 | 08:53 pm
This is the 3rd year that I am participating in this book meme which calls for answering a set of questions using titles of the books [you had] read during the year. The meme really helps to refresh ...
Book meme 9 Nov 2010 | 11:17 am
Day 02 - A book or series you wish more people were reading and talking about: Well DUH!! Of course i wish everybody on earth had read the Dark Tower serie by Stephen King!!!! I mean, this is the mig...
Book meme 8 Nov 2010 | 04:33 am
I meant to do this meme for a while now, so here we go! Day 01 - A book series you wish had gone on longer OR a book series you wish would just freaking end already (or both!) Day 02 - A book or s...
Book meme 19 Sep 2012 | 04:19 am
Last seen at georgiesmith's... It's International Book Week. The rules: Grab the closest book to you, turn to page 52, post the 5th sentence as your status. Don't mention the title. Copy the rules as...
Your next year's sex-life book meme (quale sex li... vabbeh) 27 Nov 2012 | 03:23 am
via falena84 Grab the nearest book. Flip to page 45. The first sentence describes your sex life for the next twelve months. Ecuba, ecco Andromaca: la trasportano su un cocchio straniero. Avvinghiato...
(The Many More than) Five Book Meme 3 Dec 2012 | 01:03 am
The Queen o' Memes really ought to relinquish her crown at this point, but, every so often, she polishes it a bit and decides to pick up on someone else's meme. Maybe, one of these days, she'll even c...
Friday Firsts: The Girl with No Name by Marina Chapman 17 May 2013 | 06:27 pm
What is Friday Firsts? The first line can make or break a reader’s interest. Just how well did the author pull you in to the story with their first sentence? To participate in this weekly book meme i...
Neither a Borrower 16 Aug 2013 | 03:40 am
I checked in at the Booking Through Thursday blog, which is the host for a weekly book meme or blogging prompt. Here is this week’s prompt: I’ve asked before how you feel about lending your books. I’...
Tragedy and Comedy 11 Aug 2013 | 09:40 am
I checked in at the Booking Through Thursday blog, which is the host for a weekly book meme or blogging prompt. Here is this week’s prompt: All other things being equal (good writing, enthralling sto...
Meme Kanseri 1 Mar 2012 | 10:35 pm
Meme kanseri ile mücadelede en önemli, en iyi yöntem erken teşhistir.Meme kanserinin en yaygın belirtisi memede ağrısız bir kitlenin hissedilmesidir. Ancak, hastaların %10 kadarı, kitle olmaksızın ağr...