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人类的心理行为模式----《影响力》笔记 23 Aug 2013 | 08:07 pm
网上流传一份查理·芒格(Charlie Thomas Munger)的推荐书单。 其中有一本心理学著作《影响力》,芒格是这么说的: "这本了不起的书,解释了我们如何被他人操控,可别犹豫把它推荐给你的朋友。" 据说,芒格特别喜欢这本书,还向它的作者罗伯特·西奥迪尼(Robert B.Cialdini)赠送了一股伯克希尔哈撒韦公司的股票(价值10万美元)。 因为芒格的推荐,我就去读了这本书。它...
Linux 的启动流程 17 Aug 2013 | 01:37 pm
半年前,我写了《计算机是如何启动的?》,探讨BIOS和主引导记录的作用。 那篇文章不涉及操作系统,只与主板的板载程序有关。今天,我想接着往下写,探讨操作系统接管硬件以后发生的事情,也就是操作系统的启动流程。 这个部分比较有意思。因为在BIOS阶段,计算机的行为基本上被写死了,程序员可以做的事情并不多;但是,一旦进入操作系统,程序员几乎可以定制所有方面。所以,这个部分与程序员的关系更密切。 我...
More boris johnson related news:
Best Boris Johnson Quote 28 Mar 2012 | 06:13 am
Just watched Boris Johnson’s interview on the BBC London news at 1830 today and Boris was asked a question that we all have come across during our professional lives. The question was “what is your bi...
Boris Johnson’s Cycle Scheme – what’s the carbon impact? 27 Nov 2008 | 09:04 am
So here in London, Boris Johnson has announced he’s going to create a cycle scheme along the lines of the Velib in Paris. He may look like Worzel Gummidge’s mad cousin, but I suspect he’s a very smart...
Watch out Ken, Boris is on the hunt in the suburbs again. 22 Jan 2011 | 03:40 am
Boris Johnson Election Leaflet (Photo Credit: jaimelondonboy – licensed under Creative Commons) Did you hear that? You’d need finely attuned hearing but I think that’s unmistakable sound of a dog whi...
Thank you! 7 May 2012 | 09:19 am
By Boris Johnson Yesterday I signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office at City Hall which confirmed me as the Mayor of London for the next four years. In my speech, I repeated my thanks to the ...
Taking Greater London Forward 1 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
By Boris Johnson The Mayoral election on Thursday comes when we have been going through the toughest times that anyone can remember. The big question is therefore blindingly simple - who has the bes...
Back Boris: For Greater London. For the Future. 27 Apr 2012 | 02:43 am
By Boris Johnson With just one week to go to polling, I urgently need your help to secure Greater London's future. Next week voters will face the choice of a better future - or a return the past. A...
Feux d'artifice de Monsieur le maire, non pas Boris 29 Dec 2010 | 02:01 am
London a des belles particularités, notamment celle d'avoir deux maires. Le maire du Grand Londres, Boris Johnson, et le Seigneur Maire, un vieux job ancien, dont les anglais ne peuvent se débarrasser...
Zac Efron voted 'most kissable waxwork' 4 Jul 2009 | 03:58 pm
Zac Efron has been voted the most kissable waxwork figure at Madame Tussauds in London. The 17 Again star nabbed 20% of the vote to beat competition from mayor Boris Johnson (15%) and Johnny Depp (14...
Chartism (2) 4 Apr 2012 | 05:04 am
It had not been my intention to post under this heading so soon after that of the first, however a news item today voided my original intention. Apparently today Boris Johnson had a slight difference ...
Londra 2012, dai Giochi Olimpici grandi affari col mattone 28 Apr 2010 | 10:59 pm
Londra è un cantiere aperto in vista del 27 luglio 2012, giorno dell’inaugurazione delle Olimpiadi. Il sindaco Boris Johnson ha puntato molto sull'evento con investimenti che intendono sviluppare le i...