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Barefoot in Boulder 23 Jan 2011 | 12:07 pm
A solution for everything (or almost). After struggling with foot pain for 7 years, I read Born to Run (also Barefoot Running) and got fired up about trying out barefoot. It took 3 or 4 months to work...
Micah True AKA Caballo Blanco Dies of Cardiomyopathy 23 May 2012 | 12:37 am
Micah True, made famous by Chris McDougall’s Born to Run, was known as a free spirit. It was said that he would just run for days, stopping occasionally to eat, sleep and discuss the comings and going...
Ultra-reading: How the Beat Poets’ Hard-drinking Meditations on Nature are Connected to Athletes’ Workouts in the Wild 1 Aug 2011 | 10:52 am
Follow-up to the Born to Run Summary One Saturday morning in June I woke up remembering that somewhere between eastside cocktails brimming with cucumber slices and tequila shaken ...
Ultra-reading: An Introduction 26 Jun 2011 | 10:13 am
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen During my adolescence my parents subscribed to Outside magazine. Maybe they still do. It is consistently one...
Christopher McDougall: Are we born to run? 7 Oct 2011 | 03:46 pm
Incredibly enlightening video. Permalink | Leave a comment »
A Midnight Run… 10 May 2011 | 08:01 pm
So at 11:30pm I decided to go for my first run… “minimalist” style. I suspect that re-reading “Born to Run” has something to do with it. Anyway, I ended up warming up by taking my ‘overfed’ dog, Kuma,...
Bruce Springsteen Born to run 31 Aug 2010 | 07:13 pm
A great review about the album Born to run by Bruce Springsteen. Born to Run is the greatest album of all time. This album says goodbye. This album speaks of friendship, old and new. Watch here Bruce ...
Life is given 30 Jan 2008 | 02:28 pm is born! Now running an altered version of drupal, the site should be updated with new content a bit more visibly than when it was I have chosen to use XML+XSLT+XHTML+C...
Born To Run-Kenyan 1 Apr 2011 | 03:55 pm
I have had the chance to meet some of the Kenyan runners in the Philadelphia area. Some told us by Kenyan standards they where a “slow runner” but then would run the race and easily win the race. On...
I never did write about my Japan trip in May... 19 Jul 2012 | 05:04 am
Before the UTM Fuji 100 miler Japanese Born to Run - Foot Stamped and signed in Japanese ;-) In Fukushima at a shrine for peace and a barefoot run Fukushima Kobe friends Kobe mountain barefoot ad...