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Societal Safety measures, the nation’s Financial debt & any Budgetary Cliff 7 Feb 2013 | 11:44 am
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BWR: il rialzo dei titoli finanziari ha portato l’euforia nelle borse 26 Jan 2011 | 03:16 am
Nella scorsa settimana abbiamo visto i principali listini europei e soprattutto quelli dei paesi cosiddetti PIIGS (acronimo che sta per Portogallo, Italia, Irlanda, Grecia e Spagna) accelerare al rial...
Majlis Perkahwinan Fassa Akma & Azmi, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur 12 Mar 2010 | 01:00 pm
Majlis Perkahwinan Fassa Akma & Azmi, Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur Official Photographer : SiKecik 2nd Photographer : Fendy F O R B O O K I N G & I N Q U I R Y : | SiKecik Photography Service | 0 1 2 ...
Majlis Pernikahan Zuria & Fiezal, Ayer Panas Setapak 6 Mar 2010 | 01:00 pm
Majlis Pernikahan Zuria & Fiezal, Ayer Panas Setapak, Kuala Lumpur Official Photographer : SiKecik 2nd Photographer : Fendy F O R B O O K I N G & I N Q U I R Y : | SiKecik Photography Service | 0 1...
春天流行趨勢‧簡單純淨白色風! 17 Mar 2011 | 02:58 pm
春天,無論在歐美或是亞洲,白色一向是設計師們最愛的純真象徵,在春季時尚流行週的伸展台上更是大鳴大放,連身洋裝、褲裝、裙子或是上衣各大品牌的「白色」紛紛出籠~宣告白色的春流行。 想要把白色穿得更有自己的STYLE嗎?可以選擇各種混合材質如雪紡、加上蕾絲、亞麻等等,藉由皮帶、相同或異材質的鞋子、畫龍點睛的首飾,穿出各種白色LOOK! FENDI〈左〉白色露肩連身褲裝,腰間的束腰設計、金色...
Made in Italy, ocean view apartment 10 May 2012 | 11:54 pm
Before Soho, in the heart of New York. Now even Miami, Florida. Fendi Casa apartment, a brand of home furnishings and accessories of one of the most famous Italian fashion houses, bears the Made in It...
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