Most bourjois blush swatches related news are at:

Killer Queen by Katy Perry 27 Aug 2013 | 06:00 pm
De eerste keer dat ik het nummer ‘I Kissed A Girl’ wist ik het meteen: ‘Die Katy Perry heeft lef!’ En alleen iemand met lef brengt een joekel van een robijn uit met een hemelse, bijna bedwelmende zoet...
Sunday Monday jasjes! 27 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Naast dat wij enorme fans zijn van lipstick, houden wij ook erg veel van jasjes. En wij hadden het geluk dat we allebei een jasje uit mochten zoeken bij de webshop Kijk snel verder om...
More bourjois blush swatches related news:
NARS:Gaiety Blush Swatch 26 Apr 2013 | 08:01 am
So ive noticed that even though i dont wear that much makeup nowadays theres this one blush that i always use whenever i go out,simply because it brightens up my complexion and it doesnt clash with my...
NARS:Gaiety Blush Swatch 26 Apr 2013 | 08:01 am
So ive noticed that even though i dont wear that much makeup nowadays theres this one blush that i always use whenever i go out,simply because it brightens up my complexion and it doesnt clash with my...
Chanel Inspiration Cream Blush: Swatches and Review 10 Jul 2013 | 03:39 pm
Inspiration was my first Chanel cream blush, and it is my favorite. I do love Presage, but Inspiration is the type of color that I can easily use with a wide range of looks. The cream blushes come in...
Bourjois⎥ Blush Exclusif 12 Aug 2013 | 02:53 am
Bourjois Blush Exclusif (10,99€) Working close by drugstores is always a huge temptation. I was browsing make-up a few days ago before work and I spotted the new Bourjois Exclusif blush. I just could...
MAC "Whole lotta love" Blush | Swatches 23 Aug 2013 | 03:30 pm
Vor einigen Wochen war es mal wieder soweit - ich war in Nürnberg shoppen und hatte mir eins fest vorgenommen (klingt, als hätte ich mir eine schwere Aufgabe aufgebürdet, aber..): ich wollte mir unbed...
coming soon: bourjois 150th Birthday 10 Aug 2013 | 04:52 pm
Bourjois Java Rice Powder: £9.99* Bourjois Blush Exclusif: £7.99* Bourjois Erasable Eyeliner: £7.99* Bourjois Twist up the Volume Mascara: £10.99* In Autumn 2013 Bourjois is going to be 150 years ...
Bourjois Blush Exclusif: Your own bespoke colour in a pot 14 Aug 2013 | 03:13 pm
If you love blushes as much as I do, but can't decide what colour to get next why not get one that customises itself especially for you? I am of course talking about the new Bourjois Blush Exclusif* s...
[Swatch] Blush Palette Viva Argentina LE 2 May 2012 | 04:49 pm
Auch ich bin mal wieder einer Limited Edition verfallen... Dieses mal war es die neue Viva Argentina LE von p2. Aber ich muss dazu sagen: Es kam nur die triple touch blush palette mit. normalerweis...
Blush Comparison: MAC Warm Soul & NARS Madly Swatches 11 Nov 2011 | 01:36 pm
As the cooler weather starts, I like to branch out from my bright coral and peach blushes and venture more into the warmer bronzy-peach tones. Recently, I picked up MAC Warm Soul and NARS Madly. I rea...
Rock & Republic Cosmetics Blush Rave w/Swatches 5 Aug 2010 | 01:29 pm
Got something good in the mail today...(actually something Great)!! beautiful new Rock & Republic blushes!! These are some beauties I must say...I have heard about R&R from a few forums and ...