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Waltz - Vanish / Childish Quarrel 7'' flexi - 1985 17 Aug 2013 | 12:03 am
Waltz - Vanish / Childish Quarrel 7'' flexi - 1985 MCR Company - MCR 006 Two songs of early gritty Japanese hard core punk on a 200 Yen one sided seven inch flexi. Other material from Waltz was al...
Himitsu King / Yoope Tower - Greedy Homosapiens / Chaos Drunk Stupids split7''ep 7 Aug 2013 | 06:18 pm
Himitsu King / Yoope Tower - Greedy Homosapiens / Chaos Drunk Stupids split7''ep Psychedelic experimental grindcore delivered by two bands from Osaka, Japan. Year of release unknown, possibly record...
More brave new world blog related news:
Episode 19 Brave New World 10 Feb 2010 | 01:30 am
Episode 19 Brave New World Faster Alternative Link Altenative Link Heroes Season 4 Episode 19 Brave New World
02×02 Brave New World 5 Dec 2010 | 11:52 pm
Brave New World 18 Jan 2011 | 12:44 pm
Welcome to the Brave New World of Persuasion Profiling | Magazine 30 Apr 2011 | 03:21 am
Today, most recommendation and targeting systems focus on the products: Commerce sites analyze our consumption patterns and use that info to figure out that, say, viewers of Iron Man also watch The Da...
Minuto a Minuto: 4x22 "Brave New World, Part II" 19 May 2012 | 09:45 am
O Minuto a Minuto é um quadro humorístico (ou era pra ser), sem qualquer compromisso com a trama apresentada no episódio. Teorias, análises, curiosidades foram postadas no review. Se eu falar o que a...
[Review] 4x22 - "Brave New World: Part 2" (Season Finale) 14 May 2012 | 01:27 pm
O momento que todos estavam esperando. Satisfatório é a palavra que define a Season Finale de "Fringe". Um episódio de revelações, reviravoltas, momentos de tirar o fôlego, desdobramentos surpreenden...
Audiência do episódio 4x22 "Brave New World: Part 2" 14 May 2012 | 03:58 am
QUARTA TEMPORADA 4x01 "Neither Here Nor There" (23/09/11) - 3.530 milhões de espectadores. 4x02 "One Night in October" (30/09/11) - 3.140 milhões de espectadores. 4x03 "Alone in The World" (07/10/1...
Fringe - Episode 4.22 - Brave New World, Part 2 - Promotional Photos 10 May 2012 | 02:12 pm
It's been pretty quiet in the Fringedom as far as spoilers go this week. However, these pics showed up at SpoilerTV today! Thanks, guys at STV! Warning:One of these photos is a major spoiler! You hav...
Who's In This 421 Promo Photo With Walter? 2 May 2012 | 01:46 am
SpoilerTV recently posted this promotional photo for upcoming episode 421, "Brave New World, Part I," which is the first part of the Season 4 finale. So who is in this photo with Walter? Post your th...
IRON MAIDEN (2002) - Rock In Rio (DVD) 13 Apr 2009 | 07:58 am
20. August 2002 01. Intro 02. The Wicker Man 03. Ghost Of The Navigator 04. Brave New World 05. Wrathchild 06. 2 Minutes To Midnight 07. Blood Brothers 08. Sign Of The Cross 09. The Mercenary 10. The...