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Amanda says I’m like a jack rabbit I want to have $ex all the time but McCrae keep denying me. 27 Aug 2013 | 02:56 pm
12:30am – 12:50am In the bathroom – Gina and Amanda are hanging out talking while Gina does her hair. Gina says there are 75 of these in a bundle. Guess how much they are? Amanda says I don’t know. Gi...
“I know I can be mean, there’s 2 Elissa’s, the fake Big Brother one and the normal down to earth one” 27 Aug 2013 | 10:50 am
9:07PM Amanda and McCrae Amanda doesn’t think she will make it much further in the game, “I thought I had it planned out.. but I guess you can’t plan out this game” A - I’m ready for next week.. why ...
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Ελαφρύ και εύκολο στη χρήση MP3 Player με Ραδιόφωνο!! 15€ ... 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Δυνατότητα εξαργύρωσης της προσφοράς άμεσα είτε με παραλαβή από το κατάστημα SULEHRIA BROTHERS στην Ομόνοια είτε με πανελλαδική αποστολή στο χώρο σας με την αγορά του κουπονιού και έως τις 30/11/2012....