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Content Curation – The Easy Way to Create Blog Posts 27 Feb 2012 | 03:16 am
I’ve somehow managed to work fulltime online since 2003. In the majority of that time, I have made most mon-ey by creating websites and selling them. So I always look at trends and study closely which...
we 14 Jun 2011 | 08:55 pm
We are a study of design situated in Barcelona, where since the 2003 develop global projects of graphic design, corporate identity, communication and packaging. During the project, we take a personal...
Zakaria Ahmad, UiTM - Farside terminating express bus terminal Kuala Lumpur experience 29 Mar 2010 | 04:09 am
Zakaria Ahmad and Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman (2003) FARSIDE TERMINATING EXPRESS BUS TERMINAL KUALA LUMPUR EXPERIENCE.Proceedings of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.4, October, pp...
Brigitte Smadja – "Il faut sauver Saïd" 24 May 2010 | 12:01 am
Saïd entre deux mondes paru dans le quotidien 24Heures le 29 octobre 2003. Brigitte Smadja, Il faut sauver Saïd, coll. Neuf, L'école des loisirs, 2003, 93pp. Quand Saïd a quitté le CM2, il se senta...
prefuse 73 19 Nov 2009 | 02:08 pm
---> Vocal Studies + Uprock Narratives -2001- ---> One Word Extinguisher -2003- ---> Extinguished: Outtakes -2003- ---> Surrounded by Silence -2005- Security Screenings -2006- ---> Preparations -2...
Stasiun Bumi Indosat 15 Jul 2010 | 07:56 pm
Pagi ini, tiba-tiba teman semasa kuliah saya men-tag sebuah foto saat kami melakukan kegiatan kampus, studi ekskursi (studek) ke Stasiun Bumi Indosat di Jatiluhur tahun 2003. Kunjungan yang cukup menc...
Indonesian Democracy: Advances, Setbacks, Options 8 May 2008 | 11:59 pm
Ten years ago, Soeharto’s New Order began to be replaced by the world’s largest New Democracy. It is time for an evaluation. By 2003, Demos (The Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies), with th...
How Does Cinnamon Lower Blood Pressure? 13 Apr 2011 | 08:44 am
Curiously, diabetes, insulin resistance and hypertension are closely linked and often found together in the same individual. A study in 2003 found that cinnamon reduced blood sugar levels. One study e...
Raih Kesempaan Studi di Jerman Dengan Biaya Sangat Murah!!! Kuliah Berkualitas Tinggi Di Jantung Eropa. 7 Apr 2012 | 03:39 pm
Berpengalaman sejak tahun 2003, membantu lebih dari 650 lulusan SMA dan Perguruan Tinggi di seluruh Indonesia untuk studi Program S1, S2, dan S3 di berbagai perguruan Tinggi Negeri terbaik dan ternama...
Chiropractic Care and Infertility 1 Mar 2012 | 07:25 am
In a study conducted in 2003, by Behrendt, data collected showed that regular chiropractic care influenced fertility; Such that, 14 out of 15 women became pregnant with regular care. The ages, lifesty...