Most brin related news are at:

The Ritual of the Street Corner -- a "tonic" exercise in humility 25 Aug 2013 | 03:18 am
As time passes, many of us are coming to realize that our current political and social struggles - especially within the United States - have much less to do with "left versus right" in any classic se...
Ocean Geo-Engineering, Whale Poo, SeaLand and Rising IQ 19 Aug 2013 | 09:52 pm
== Back to the oceans "geo-engineering"… and more science! == Some of my earlier postings discussed ocean fertilization as a means of geo-engineering remediation to address rising carbon dioxide leve...
More brin related news:
Prototype 2 – Destroy Your Maker Trailer 13 Dec 2010 | 08:47 am
It’s a big trailer day today, following on from the Spike TV Video Game Awards. What’s next on the list? Prototype 2. This time, you play as Sergeant James Helen, a ‘retired’ soldier hell bent on brin...
Happy New Years From Reef Media 4 Jan 2010 | 09:27 am
Hello All We just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all the great work in 2009. Here at Reef Media we are very excited for all the new unique opportunities that we are going to be able to brin...
Page Rank Explained by Sergey Brin 29 Apr 2008 | 03:06 am
Just completd reading of The Google story by David A.Vise here some notes i have taken from that book about page rank “I’m Sergey Brin and that’s Larry over there. I’m gonna jump right into it here,” ...
About 26 May 2007 | 08:38 am
Our blog covers internet and affiliate marketing for entrepreneurs and small business owners. We talk about the tech industry and B2B marketing. Since 1996, HD Publishing Group has been proud to brin...
Schoolgirl booty spanked red 26 Nov 2010 | 04:16 pm
Schoolgirl booty spanked red! This old coot isn’t holding back either, he’s really showing her what spanking discipline means. No matter how much she tries to brace herself, his ass spanking hits brin...
Google Science Fair 2011 – Unique Opportunity For Young Scientists! 4 Apr 2011 | 03:53 am
When Google was created in January 1996 it was just a research project. It’s creators, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were still students at Stanford University in California. Today, Google is the world’...
Avril, un brin de légéreté 24 Apr 2009 | 09:47 pm
Avec le retour des beaux jours, on oublie les cols roulés pour le gilet plus léger. Des couleurs et des formes en harmonie avec la nature et le printemps, visitez la collection AIR. – 3 Feb 2012 | 02:46 pm
Alright so anyone had to be ranked tenth but this is no reflection on this outstanding European road-celebration. This festival began in 1991 as a protest of a thousand people today or so and now brin...
1er mai 2 May 2008 | 08:02 am
je vous offre ce petit brin de muguet qui je l’espere vous porterat bonheur.
Bolsa de Couro,colorida 22 Jan 2011 | 11:15 am
é uma bolsa de couro,de várias cores. Alça de tecido de brin forte! Tamanho grande! Forrada com seda sintérica