Most british journal philosophy science related news are at:

BSPC 15 Aug 2013 | 08:58 pm
Last week I was very lucky to be at the 14th (by my count) Bellingham Summer Philosophy Conference. The organisers, especially Ned Markosian, do such a fantastic job of running a conference. It really...
Update on Journal-to-Journal Citation 12 Jul 2013 | 08:37 pm
In the previous post, I mentioned some problems with Web of Knowledge. It might be best to say what these are more explicitly. (I’m grateful here to work Neil Levy did.) Web of Knowledge doesn’t incl...
More british journal philosophy science related news:
Virginia Heffernan, Creationism and Deconstruction 20 Jul 2013 | 12:56 am
There’s almost nothing as frustrating to someone who studies European philosophy of the 1960s-70s as the sheer volume of idiotic things that are written everywhere, from academic journals to science b...
El consumo de televisión pública, asociado a un mejor conocimiento de los asuntos públicos 23 Aug 2013 | 02:22 pm
Se ha publicado recientemente un estudio (que puede verse aquí: Soroka et al. 2012. ”Auntie Knows Best? Public Broadcasters and Current Affairs Knowledge”, en British Journal of Political Science), qu...
AKC and VVMA Reject PETA’s Philosophy and Approach to Euthanasia 12 Aug 2013 | 07:11 pm
Nutricula Magazine "The Science of Longevity Journal" AKC and VVMA Reject PETA’s Philosophy and Approach to Euthanasia A commentary by Al Plechner, DVM Dr. Bob Berger and I have both taken issue ...
Sabbatai Tsevi sur Radio Courtoisie 25 Aug 2013 | 03:20 am
L‘émission d’É. Ratier du 22 août dernier, Le libre journal a traité de Sabbataï Tsevi et J. Frank. Emmanuel Ratier recevait Jean-François Gautier, docteur en philosophie des sciences ainsi que Philip...