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Google Analytics 统计显示空白解决办法 1 Apr 2012 | 03:41 pm
最近Google统计开始出现空白的情况,其根本原因是国内ssl.gstatic.com指向的IP被屏蔽了。万恶啊…… 解决办法将ssl.gstatic.com指向Google尚未被GFW的IP,编辑HOSTS加入:
从官方在Win上安装PHP 5.3+和APACHE2.2X测试环境 15 Dec 2011 | 03:46 am
虽然网上有很多一键安装包,但是如同PHP官方警告的,从官方下载单独安装包才是最好的选择。 安装Apache: 选择最新的安装包: Win32 Binary including OpenSSL 0.9.8r (MSI Installer): httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8r.m...
More broadway musical translation related news:
Yiddish song: Blasts from the past 31 Jan 2010 | 12:30 am
Here’s a nostalgic blast from the past with a glimpse of some toe-tapping, sing-along Yiddish melodies – old favorites as well as Broadway hits translated into mame loshn (Yiddish). This year’s IAJGS...
Link Request Materials Broadway Musical |CityVille| 29 May 2012 | 12:44 pm
Now you can request material "Broadway Musical" Cityville! Tip: Open multiple tabs in your browser, type in some of the same name on each tab and tell it, remember ... ! better to tell your dummy acc...
late nights tales 2 22 Apr 2012 | 07:03 pm
chicago! what a town! that’s what you might expect someone to say in a broadway musical just before they burst into a song and dance routine. it is though. we shot the video for Lifening here tonight ...
The Book of Mormon – review 27 Mar 2011 | 07:02 pm
Devotees of the Broadway musical have been gasping for a saviour. Risk-takers such as the Green Day-scored American Idiot can't survive (it closes at the end of April), and corporate fiascos such as S...
The Book of Mormon – review 27 Mar 2011 | 07:02 pm
Devotees of the Broadway musical have been gasping for a saviour. Risk-takers such as the Green Day-scored American Idiot can't survive (it closes at the end of April), and corporate fiascos such as S...
Catsuits – Ballet Spandex Catsuit 15 Oct 2011 | 03:11 am
Black Catsuit When you first think of a spandex catsuit, the first thing you think of is the Broadway musical “CATS”. It is true that they definitely use a lot of “spandex catsuits” in that world fam...
Case Study: Social Networking 11 Nov 2008 | 12:02 pm
Today's case study comes to us from Chief Marketer. It's an interesting discussion about how the Broadway musical, First Wives Club is using social networking to build a fan base, and an audience for ...
Soul-Aligned Biz: To Bring Your Dream to Life 17 Mar 2010 | 11:19 am
There is a very famous story about how choreographer Agnes de Mille (famous for revolutionizing dance through her choreography of the first true Broadway musical, "Oklahoma") was coached through a dif...
Musical Master Class 5 — Developing The Drama Musical ELISABETH 27 Mar 2011 | 04:28 pm
There was no way that Michael Kunze would turn his drama musical libretto for ELISABETH into a Broadway musical. He needed a composer who understood the particular emotions of a European story with si...
Stories about Living with Lupus Kidney Disease 26 May 2012 | 08:12 am
Baakari Wilder is a male with lupus who developed the disease while he was starring in a Broadway musical. Carla Vargas describes how she must undergo periodic chemotherapy treatments to manage the h...