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Don’t Wait Until The Holidays To Move! 12 Sep 2012 | 04:06 pm
With the Summer of 2012 nothing more than a memory, it is time to start planning ahead for the rest of the year. Fall is the next season in line, and this is one of the best seasons to plan a move. Su...
Is Albuquerque A Good Place To Call Home? 22 Aug 2012 | 05:18 pm
Choosing which city is the best to live in is always a challenge. It really boils down to what you want. For this article we put our focus to the west of the United States. There are several great pla...
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Chris Brown Slams ‘Racist Ass’ District Attorney, Fake Rappers 23 Aug 2013 | 11:15 am
Chris Brown is angry and he has gone on another one of his famous Twitter rants on Thursday night. It all started with Mr. Brown going after rappers, accusing them of not telling their fans the truth....
Chris Brown Goes Off On ‘Racist’ L.A. County District Attorney 23 Aug 2013 | 10:37 pm
Chris Brown seems to enjoy airing his innermost thoughts to the world at large. Or, at least his Twitter followers. Last night (Aug. 22) Brown took to Twitter to rant against the “racist a**” Distric...
How low can he go? Chris Brown brands African-American District Attorney a ‘racist a**’ in Twitter rant 23 Aug 2013 | 11:24 pm
Glad to see those anger management classes worked a treat. In another dazzling display of unexplainable, hot-tempered behavior, Chris Brown has launched a blistering attack on the Los Angeles Distr...