Most bs zelda roms related news are at: – Zelda Legends -

Update: So some stuff is broken... 13 Aug 2012 | 03:59 am

Khuffie helped move the site to a new host today. (Our old host shut the site down for no reason.) In the process, Khuffie decided to try upgrading to PHP5. Miraculously, most of the site still works....

Nintendo News: E3 2012 24 May 2012 | 02:40 am

E3 '12 Wih E3 2012 right around the corner, I wonder what News nintendo will give us. What about the 3DS Zelda game that they're woking on, will they giv us a remake of Majora's Mask? What ...

More bs zelda roms related news:

Zelda Parallel Worlds continue ! 2 Dec 2007 | 11:21 pm

J'ai créé ce blog à l'origine pour parler de ce hack : Zelda Parallel Worlds. Cela fait presque un an que la rom est sortie pour votre émulateur Super Nes préféré, et depuis, quasiment plus aucune nou...

[3DS] The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time EUR 14 Jan 2012 | 07:02 pm

Rom Information Developer : GREZZO Publisher : Nintendo Region : EUR Genre : Action, Adventure Size : 475 Mb Language : English, German, French, Italian, Spanish Supplier : LEGACY (LGC) Release date :...

BEST Custom ROM for F911/ Z71/A890 18 Feb 2013 | 03:52 am

[Share] BEST Custom ROM for F911/ Z71/A890 Sekedar sharing pengalaman pribadi hmpr 1 tahun gonta-ganti CusROM di nexian journey a890... brgkali bs bantu referensi Juned users lain yg lg bingung mau pa...

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