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Povestile melodiilor: Je t’aime, moi non plus – Serge Gainsbourg 21 Nov 2010 | 11:12 am
Serge Gainsbourg (născut Lucien Ginsburg) a fost unul dintre cei mai interesanţi muzicieni francezi, rămas în memorie prin polivalenţa artistică dar şi prin extraordinarul erotism pe care-l degaja în ...
Serge Gainsbourg, Julie London, Toni Makhoul & More 7 May 2012 | 09:09 am
Toni Makhoul It's been a stormy weekend here at triviacompanion, a good time to hide out indoors, listening to music and thunder. I'd like to mention, we've added a new track from Toni Makhoul, titl...
Charlotte Gainsbourg / L'un part l'autre reste 13 Sep 2011 | 10:35 pm
秋 だね~ One goes away the other stays Have they forgotten their promises? At the least laugh, at the least gesture Trueloves have no more address When one goes away and the other stays Is there an...
News February / March 2011 23 Feb 2011 | 11:40 pm
Bonjour a tous.Ce mois ci certain le savent, j'ai fini le portrait de Serge Gainsbourg fait avec plus de 20 000 filtres de cigarettes. Je tiens a remercier toutes les personne qui ont participé en env...
Donnie Darko OST [2/2][MF] 8 Jul 2010 | 06:51 am
Titulo: Donnie Darko Ost Género: Instrumental, Alternativo Tipo: OST (OriginalSoundTrack) AKA BSO (BandaSonoraOriginal) Pelicula: Donnie Darko La pelicula de Donnie Darko es mi favorita, tanto dle gé...
Requiem por un Sueño - Una BSO en homenaje póstumo. 24 Feb 2008 | 12:39 pm
La penúltima entrada de este blog me gustaría que fuera especial. Y creo que el mejor homenaje musical que puedo ofrecerle a mi blog es este genial tema del film de Darren Aronofski. Réquiem por un su...
AMELIE (2.001) 15 Dec 2009 | 01:17 am
EL Frances YANN TIERSEN, Y EL SONIDO ROMANTICO DEL ACORDEON, nos deleitara durante toda esta BSO, de originalidad y belleza como pocas. Quien no se enamoro de la protagonista. MUY RECOMENDABLE. PUNTU...
Charlotte Gainsbourg inaugura il Traffic Festival 11 Jul 2010 | 09:30 am
Dal 13 al 17 luglio torna TRAFFIC, il festival, completamente gratuito, sostenuto da Regione Piemonte, Città di Torino, Provincia di Torino e Fondazione CRT, giunto alla settima edizione. La formula ...
Serge Gainsbourg 8 Aug 2010 | 09:24 pm
Serge Gainsbourg (1928 –1991)- Histoire de Melody Nelson(1971) . When driving his Rolls Royce , a middle aged man knocks a 15 year old girl off her bicycle. Naturally, in the world of Gainsbourg, this...
99: SERGE GAINSBOURG: Histoire de Melody Nelson 17 Mar 2009 | 05:02 am
C'est mon grand blog de l'honnêteté et je vais dire tout de suite une grande vérité qui choquera peut-être ce qui me connaissent le moins (car choquant souvent ceux qui me connaissent très bien): ce d...