Most buat effect glass related news are at:

It's a Revolution 15 Feb 2012 | 10:34 pm
Oh My God..., akhirnya setelah sekian lama memimpikan punya domain dan hosting sendiri, akhirnya minggu ini aku bisa beli juga, nyahahahaha ! OK, dengan adanya blog baru yang lebih resmi, kalau mau n...
Wallpaper of The Week - Town Attacker 9 May 2010 | 07:58 pm
Yap, setelah sekian lama ngga me-launching wallpaper of the week, akhirnya aku posting lagi satu. Kali ini aku pakai tema yang agak rusuh-rusuh dikit, hehehe... Trus yang jadi model kali ini adalah sa...
More buat effect glass related news:
Wear Glasses to Look Smart & Cool 12 Mar 2011 | 02:20 am
The market is packed with a number of eyeglass stores. If you are looking for eyeglasses for yourself or your kids, consider online eyeglass stores. High quality and cost effective glasses are only av...
Simple Mirror Effect 4 Aug 2009 | 03:24 am
ada banyak cara buat effect bayangan / reflection~ tapi sekarang kita bahas yang simple" az dulu ok 1. kamu membutuh kan sebuah image, saya menggunakan font " SOL " ( save our loli Fans Club Promosi ...
Prinz Optics GmbH-Variotrans® Colour Effect Glass and Optical Filters for Interior and Facade Architecture 22 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
Prinz Optics is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of Sol-Gel dip coated architectural glass and optical filters. VarioTrans® colour effect glass in particular opens up new avenues for architect...
Maintaining your glass furnishing effectively 5 Jun 2013 | 03:56 pm
Glass furnishing is often preferred given its timeless elegance and classy beauty. Glass centre tables and dining tables are common in many homes. Now, it’s needless to remind that glass is a fragile ...
A bumpy glass text effect 23 Aug 2013 | 12:43 am
It's about creating a red bumpy glass text effect. Glass text is one of our specialties and now we bring a new option to you. To make this text by yourself, navigate to this free online glass text ef...
Frosted Glass Tutorial in Photoshop :) 28 Oct 2010 | 08:24 pm
This is a beginners tutorial on how to create a frosted glass effect.its a simple technique…so lets begin Step 1 You can use any image for this tutorial. I’ve found that darker images work a little ...
Buat facebook-er yang hobi chat (chating) di facebook. Tentu akan lebih seru kalau saat chat menggunakan kode smiley dan chat emoticons. Namun tidak hanya kode smiley saja, ada cara penulisan lain unt...
How effective is your 60 second video ptich? 6 May 2012 | 05:17 am
In the ever more rich experience, we call the internet, where touch screens and virtual reality glasses are going to become the norm, videos are a must. If you don’t have an intro video for your busin...
Special Smart Solar 3772WRM1 Glass Mosaic Solar T-Light 23 Feb 2012 | 09:49 pm
This solar light is special. The design is ornate. This Smart Solar 3772WRM1 Glass Mosaic Solar T-Light can give you special impressions. The mosaic glass can make special lighting effects. This sol...
Create Realistic Glass Effect In Photoshop. 29 May 2012 | 12:09 pm
Today I have chosen a very simple yet very professional topic to create Realistic Glass using Photoshop. This tutorial involves very simple steps so that beginners may also enjoy this fantastic and i...