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Radamsa Fuzzer Extension for Burp Suite 24 Jun 2013 | 11:25 pm
Radamsa is a cool tool that combines a set of fuzzers which generate data based on input string. You can feed it a PDF file for example and Radamsa will produce a bunch of PDF-alike documents that are...
DEFCON CTF 2013 Quals «grandprix» Writeup 17 Jun 2013 | 05:00 am
This time at DEFCON CTF quals there was a special task category, namely OMGACM or competitive programming. Here is a solution to OMGACM 3 task. We have a remote host that offers to play a race game: ...
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Timthumb Vulnerability Scanner-плагин для проверки скрипта timthumb.php в WordPress 9 Dec 2011 | 11:21 pm
Думаю, большинство пользователей WordPress слышали о недавнем массовом инфицировании сайтов вирусами, работающих на WordPress. Инфицирование было вызвано уязвимостью в скрипте timthumb.php, который с...