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JavaScript Binary Clock 9 Mar 2011 | 11:08 pm
This is just some doodle I create just now. I have always wanted a binary watch (I have even seen it in an online shop), but I need to save money (too much spending already). So in the meantime, I thi...
Using Vulcan to Build Binary Application Dependencies for Heroku 10 Jul 2012 | 08:00 am
Managing an application’s code dependencies, once a source of constant pain and conflict, is now a solved problem in most modern languages. Ruby has Bundler, Node.js has npm, Python has pip, Clojure h...
How to install node.js on raspberry pi using pre-build binaries 23 Feb 2013 | 07:40 pm
Start by get the url to the pre-build binaris you want to instal. The latest version can be found at click "Other release files" and get the url packages named node-v0.8.xx...
Intelligent Design vs. The Questions That Arise After A Purely Scientific Look At The Paleontological Evidence Over the Past 500 Million Years 29 Jun 2013 | 08:01 am
The "Intelligent Design" hypothesis seems counter-intuitive to me, like a clockmaker who builds a clock but has to keep walking back into the room to add parts and keep altering it over billions of ye...
Electrics: Part 1 30 Jul 2007 | 01:03 am
I am working on building a physical version of Word Clock, from scratch, with electronics components. Here’s the first working circuit: I’ve been learning electronics from various books and all over ...
pervertedchristains reblogged your post: Okay, so I altered my build a bit, here’s the final... 30 May 2012 | 06:33 am
pervertedchristains reblogged your post: Okay, so I altered my build a bit, here’s the final product. new “Ivy Bridge” i7? I hear they are much more manipulable with over clocking. Just curious. I s...
Binary Burst Clock 4 May 2012 | 08:44 pm
Each spire uses three blue digits to display minutes. Once the binary count has reach five, the clock moves onto the next spire and continues counting. Hours are displayed by a red LED at the middle p...
Coaching You For Business Success 3 May 2012 | 01:13 pm
Click Play On The Video Below & Get Ready to Learn How to Build a Successful Home Business Before You Clock Out of the 9-5 Grind for Good The first thing you need to understand is that there are many ...
Digital Clock - 7490 Decade Counters and a Hacked Quartz Clock 2 Apr 2010 | 06:38 pm
No microcontrollers needed here! I started playing with some 7490 decade counters and decided to build a digital clock. The first trick was getting an accurate 1 second time base. There are a few opti...
IV-11 VFD Tube Clock Final Design 8 May 2012 | 02:49 am
This is a project i designed a year ago but never built, because of not enough spare time. This month i found some free time so i started building it and i send the pcb layout for manufacturing. ...