Most burning edges of paper technique related news are at:

Artplay Palettes Part 4 of 8 | Transfers 27 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
This series of posts is designed to demystify the Artplay Palette, making the components less intimidating and reducing the fear associated with artsy digital scrapbooking. The aim is to show you how...
Inspiration | Using Instagram Photos On Your Layouts 26 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
Instagram is an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service. It’s a fast and fun way to take pictures/videos using your mobile phone, edit on fly, then share with family and frie...
More burning edges of paper technique related news:
The appliqué quilt blocks 27 Jul 2013 | 09:37 pm
Lately I've been spending a lot of time working on the appliqué quilt. Specifically on the prep. I'm using a freezer paper prepared edge technique, as taught by Evelyn Crovo-Hall. There is a significa...
Two Prose Poems by Reem Abu-Baker 19 Aug 2013 | 06:16 am
Before That 1. Yesterday, I drove under an exit ramp and past a boy who might have been a hunchback. He curled around the edges like leaves, like paper before it burns. We were moving in the same di...