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The Lost Saint by Bree Despain 24 Feb 2011 | 06:34 am
The Lost Saint by Bree Despain Publisher: Egmont USA Publication Date: December 28th 2010 Buy it from: Book Depository (free shipping worldwide!) Bronze star (2/5 stars) Synopsis: A family destro...
Give the gift of an eBook…reader, that is 22 Dec 2010 | 02:37 pm
Wondering what gift to buy for that book lover of the family? Perhaps one of the latest novels, like an adventure…or was it thrillers they enjoyed? Well, memory is failing. So, maybe it should be a bi...
Buy Shoes Online 24 Nov 2011 | 01:11 am
UK shoe centre has been a family business since 1976, built on philosophy that customers deserve great choice and great service. Now Shoes International customers can enjoy the same levels of choice ...
Manage Contact Information with E-Z Contact Book 2.2 13 Jul 2011 | 11:38 am
This simple program makes it easy to keep track of friends, family, business associates, and anyone else, and it includes a few extra features that set it above the no-frills competition. Contact mana...
Looking for P&C book of business in GA 11 May 2012 | 12:59 am
I'm starting an independent P&C agency in GA. I'm very interested in buying a GA book of business. Please contact me if you would like to discuss further.
Family Business 15 Jul 2012 | 04:24 am
Considerations When Starting a Family Business If you and your spouse are thinking about starting up a website together; or if you and your grown children are wanting to work together to buy and mana...
Cleansing Business Book and E-e-book Review 12 Jul 2012 | 06:13 pm
In buy to be in a position to start off up a successful cleansing organization you need to initial be fully informed on the business, cleansing strategies and company apply. Investigation will make ce...
Valentine for Your Kids: Free copy of Mind Mapping for Kids on Feb. 15 & 16 15 Feb 2013 | 10:23 pm
Adults had their fun yesterday. Now is kids’ turn and here’s a FREE copy of Mind Mapping for Kids for you and your kids to keep the family busy mind mapping during the weekend. You can also buy gift ...
Complete “Done For You” ebay Auction Package! 9 May 2013 | 04:22 pm
I get a lot of emails from subscribers who love the Prints Make Profits business model and are desperate to get started making real money with the idea but lack the confidence to buy a vintage book, p...
Save Bucks By Renting (Not Buying) Books 7 Jun 2013 | 01:29 am
Did you hear about a family who saved $4,000 a year in school expenses? They were able to save that much money because instead of buying, they rented books. This is even more helpful and effective for...