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From David Byrne's Journal 29 Sep 2010 | 07:36 am
David Byrne is in town right now working on a film. It sounds like he caught a pretty good whiff of the beautiful chaos that goes on here this past Saturday. He wrote at length about what he came acro...
What To Do On A Getaway To Sligo, Ireland 16 Feb 2012 | 02:27 am
Peaceful Sligo, Ireland is a great place to treat yourself to a relaxing getaway. Here are some ideas of what to do on your vacation. Sligo, Ireland is a tranquil town in the beautifully scenic North...
Waterford Mum Up-Skills Online Through IT Sligo 15 Aug 2013 | 09:13 pm
Sorcha Byrne graduated from IT Sligo with a degree in Environmental Science in 2000 but found that life took her in a different direction from her original chosen field of study. Now the mother of t...
Liam Gallagher torna in Irlanda per il surf, ma poi opta per una Guinness 17 Aug 2013 | 01:17 am
Neil Byrne, gestore del bar Strand a Sligo, in Irlanda, ha detto a RTÉ Ten che stamattina Liam Gallagher ha fatto capolino nel suo bar per fare colazione in compagnia di un non meglio identificato mem...