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Nginx Reverse Proxy Cache for WordPress and Apache 5 Oct 2010 | 03:48 am
WP-Performance I ran a simple test against Nginx v0.5.22 and Apache v2.2.8 using ab (Apache’s benchmarking tool). During the tests, I monitored the system with vmstat and top. The results indicate th...
Cache wordpress a systemy wymiany linków 26 Jan 2009 | 12:12 pm
W kilku krótkich zdaniach opisze jak korzystać z cache stron w wordpress i jak jednocześnie korzystać z systemów wymiany linków. Problem polega na tym że włączając cache w wordpress nie można korzyst...
Replacing WordPress Object Caching 31 Jan 2008 | 01:14 pm
The WordPress Object Cache changed in WordPress 2.5 and removed a lot of file support from the code. This means that the Object Cache in WordPress 2.5 is completely dependent on memory and will not be...
Cách cai nghiện internet 28 Oct 2012 | 11:26 am
Mark Malkoff, một nhà làm phim kiêm diễn viên hài ở New York, Mỹ, vừa quyết định trốn trong nhà tắm suốt 5 ngày để cai nghiện… internet. Một ngày của Mark hầu như chỉ gắn với chiếc máy vi tính và các ...
Configure & Install MaxCDN with WP Super Cache for WordPress 5 Dec 2012 | 02:07 pm
MaxCDN is currently one of the best CDN (Content Delivery Network) provider in the market and here are the Top Reasons why you should use MaxCDN for your Website / Blog / Forum? If you are a WordPress...
Cache plugin WordPress – W3 Total Cache 30 Sep 2012 | 05:09 am
W3 Total Cache Plugin WordPress Este espectacular plugin de WordPress nos permite aumentar mucho la velocidad de carga de nuestro blog, ya que nos permite utilizar herramientas como APC, Memcached, XC...
Créer un système de cache sur WordPress 10 Apr 2013 | 05:45 pm
Apprenez à créer un système de cache statique pour optimiser le temps de chargements des pages, le référencement naturel et l'expérience utilisateur d'un site Internet.
Fragment Caching in WordPress 26 Apr 2013 | 06:11 pm
Fragment caching is useful for caching HTML snippets that are expensive to generate and exist in multiple places on your site. It’s like full page HTML caching, but more granular, and it speeds up dyn...
WordPress mit dem PHP ByteCode-Cache beschleunigen 13 May 2013 | 02:02 pm
WordPress zählt bereits zu den beliebtesten PHP-Frameworks. Doch genau wie alle anderen PHP-Frameworks bringt auch WordPress einige Nachteile mit sich: Bedingt durch Ihre Architektur müssen Frameworks...
WordPress Plugins WP Super Cache und W3TC mit großer Sicherheitslücke 24 Apr 2013 | 05:30 pm
Beim Kollegen Caschy bin ich über eine wichtige Meldung für all diejenigen gestoßen, die mit den Plugins WP Super Cache oder W3Total Cache ihrer WordPress Website mehr Speed verleihen. Beide Plugins h...