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More cab fare related news:
New York woman charged with trying to duck $123 cab fare from NYC to Plainfield 25 Jun 2011 | 09:21 am
By MARK SPIVEY STAFF WRITER PLAINFIELD - A big bill and a bottle of beer added up to a rough morning for a woman accused of taking a taxi from midtown Manhattan to Plainfield’s West End, then trying...
What If Taxi Cabs Were Like Search Engine Ads? 5 Feb 2009 | 03:50 pm
I just finished playing around with this interesting site featured on Startup Ottawa and created by Jordan Boesch called Taxi Me. Taxi Me is a neat tool that mashes up Google Maps with cab fare estim...
New buses added for airport route 28 Aug 2012 | 04:31 am
Not only will McMurrayites be enjoying direct flights to Mexico this winter, but starting in October they’ll be able to save their pesos on cab fare and catch a bus to the airport.[...]
Free parking in the sharing economy 31 Mar 2013 | 08:07 am
Parking at SFO’s long-term lot costs $18 per day. For a weeklong trip, that’s $126. And from where I live, round-trip cab fare can be even higher. A common technique is to park at the nearby BART stat...
Free parking in the sharing economy 31 Mar 2013 | 08:07 am
Parking at SFO’s long-term lot costs $18 per day. For a weeklong trip, that’s $126. And from where I live, round-trip cab fare can be even higher. A common technique is to park at the nearby BART stat...
Cab Fare. 16 Jul 2013 | 05:05 am
Sephora by OPI Cab Fare. 2 coats. You can still see my nail line underneath so this is a pretty sheer polish. I don't own too many yellows and now I know why! They are not very flattering. LOL :)
Black Milk – "No Poison No Paradise" Traclist and release date- 2013 23 Aug 2013 | 07:11 pm
Dropping on October 15th 1. Interpret Sabotage (feat. Mel) 2. Deion’s House 3. Codes & Cab Fare (feat. Black Thought) 4. Ghetto Demf (feat. Quelle Chris) 5. Sonny Jr. (Dreams) (feat. Robert Glasper &...
3265 euro già donati alla Città della Speranza! 30 Dec 2008 | 09:54 pm
Tra le cose da fare a fine anno c’è anche il momento doveroso in cui si tirano le somme sul nostro libro – “Tra Cuore e Mente” – che ha visto la luce grazie al vostro aiuto circa tre settimane fa e ch...
For Jane... and the girls! 19 Jan 2012 | 07:46 pm
When our bestie from Boston visits during her birthday week, we ladies rally! ~ ~ The guest of honor requested uniquely "Utah-fare" and La Jolla Groves never disappoints... Every dish is de-lish!...
Monte Disgrazia, via normale 23 Jul 2010 | 08:31 pm
La stagione non decolla c'è poco d fare. Il caldo assassino di Luglio mi ha fatto passare la voglia di alta quota. Rimane la possibilità di fare qualche crestina. Optiamo per la normale al Disgrazia, ...