Most café racer related news are at: – Café Racer : patience ! 14 Sep 2012 | 11:40 pm

D’un pilote, on aurait dit qu’il était un peu optimsite : nous avons tout tenté pour tenir le délai annoncé, mais nous partions de loin aussi… Il faudra patienter encore pour découvrir la nouvelle mou...

CR59, vive l’Italie 14 Sep 2012 | 08:43 pm

La passion selon saint-desmo Je vous présente mon nouveau daily-ride : une Ducati 750 F1 de 1986, premier millésime, à réservoir alu, donc. A quelques clignos portés disparus près, elle est strictemen...

More café racer related news:

CB650 Cafe by Ugly Motorbikes of San Diego, California 23 Feb 2012 | 02:07 am

Ugly Motorbikes of San Diego, California found a partly stripped CB650 in a parts warehouse and turned it into this Cafe Racer.   The blog page linked above details the build from start to finish.

More Wallpapers!! 14 Oct 2011 | 12:13 pm

We have 4 new and exciting wallpapers that will light up your desktops! [all wallpapers are 1900 X 1200 - the optimal widescreen resolution] Poppy Playground Taupe Poppy Playground Pink Café Racer...

Kinder wählen den grünen Weg 7 Sep 2011 | 01:00 am

De Cafe Racer, ein niederländischer Hersteller von Gruppenfahrrädern, erschließt sich den Grünen Markt für Kinder. Dank seiner cleveren Idee können sie den Schulweg jetzt sportlich meistern. An Bord d...

Abonnez-vous! 8 May 2012 | 09:30 pm

La rivista francese Cafe Racer (#57 maggio-giugno 2012) offre ai nuovi abbonati un 'cadeau' che ci pare di conoscere! Un'iniziativa di quelle da ricordare. Oltre al piacere della lettura, della rivist...

A bike in Berlin 4 May 2012 | 09:30 pm

Our friends from Cafe Racer 69 shop in Berlin (first CaraibiRockers retailer in Germany) send us this picture some days ago. This is the bike (and the shirt) of Alex. Thank you guys! - - - I nostri am...

Cafè Racer Day 4 May 2012 | 01:10 am

Un'altro grande giorno da vivere tra le note dei gruppi rockabilly ed il rombo delle moto provenienti da tutta Italia! In occasione del Bike Show organizzato dalla rivista Cafe Racer Italia, CaraibiR...

60s Italian Teenage Angst - Dancing On Your Grave 25 Mar 2012 | 10:43 am

Just came across this amazing video of a 1960s Italian cafe racer gang in a video for The Dukes: It seems that the biker scenes are from the 1964 film 'Malamando' [music by the young ENNIO MORRICONE!...

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