Most café society related news are at:

Le château de Champs-sur-Marne 26 Aug 2013 | 09:50 pm
Après 6 ans de fermeture pour restauration (un plafond s’était écroulé suite à une attaque de champignons), le château de Champs-sur-Marne a enfin réouvert ses portes le 29 juin 2013 ! Depuis sa cons...
Les fausses illusions d’Ariadne auf Naxos 18 May 2013 | 01:39 pm
Comme souvent, le théâtre de l’Athénée propose avec son Ariadne Auf Naxos un spectacle d’une grande qualité que la salle applaudit chaque soir avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme. Le livret (d’Hugo von Hofma...
More café society related news:
Café society comes to Leeds Valley Park as new amenity opens ‘On The Park’ 1 Aug 2011 | 09:00 pm
Café society comes to Leeds Valley Park as new amenity opens ‘On The Park’
Food Roundup for May 5 6 May 2010 | 12:05 pm
Here's what was being written about today in the world of food and dining news: In case you've been living in a hole, Cafe Society is here to remind you that today is Cinco de Mayo. And, in honor of ...
Coffee Shop Culture Inspires San Diego Writer 3 May 2013 | 05:44 am
Right up my alley, John Rippo has been capturing snapshots of coffee shop culture in The Espresso, his independent newspaper for cafe society. Heard in the Houses is a collection of vignettes based on...
Fuchsbau 17 Sep 2008 | 05:34 am
In einem Fuchsbau bilden Fuchsfamilien Schlaf-Gemeinschaften. Nicht so im Fuchsbau in Kreuzberg. Die Bar ist keine Baumhöhle, kein Versteck, sondern ein minimalistischer Laden zum Café und Bier trinke...
RING CAFE(リングカフェ) 5 Dec 2011 | 02:40 am
奈良で人気のシフォンケーキの専門店。 口コミで人気上昇中のシフォンケーキのお店です。 スイーツ好きの女子をはじめ、カフェとしても人気のスポットです。 米粉を使ったしっとりシフォンケーキ。 リングカフェのシフォンケーキには、全て米粉が使用されています。 通常のものよりもっちりした食感で、しっとりなめらかな舌触りが特徴。 「シフォンケーキはパサパサしてて苦手」と思っている方にこそ、食べて頂...
Christmas Cash Strategy 18 Nov 2009 | 08:40 pm
What happens before Christmas? You start buying gifts just like everybody else. In our fast paced society, people have too many things to do and too little time to do them. Which is why so many people...
Indonesian ICT Partnership 2 Jan 2010 | 07:45 pm
Indonesian ICT Partnership Association (ICT Watch) is an Indonesian non-profit (civil society) institution established in 2002 by a group of young people who sharing their common concern of Informatio...
Paris Cafes 14 Sep 2010 | 07:14 am
Thoughts of Paris Brings Flavorful Images to the Taste Buds Everyone knows that Paris is known for its incredible food and mesmerizing wines and no one will deny that Paris is one of the most romanti...
Pet Society Level Paw Maker Hack 2011 by Patiniox 11 Sep 2011 | 05:05 pm
Actualizado el codegen del Level Paw Maker para Pet Society con nuevo HEX C745B8000000008B50 y para las versiones actuales de Adobe Flash siendo compatible la versión 10,3,181,14 y posteriores tanto p...
Pet Society Level Paw Maker Hack 2010 by Patiniox 27 Sep 2010 | 04:39 pm
Bueno.. lo prometido es deuda y como comente en el chat hace un rato y si bien ya estaba el codegen en el blog muchos todavía no entendían como utilizarlo, su aplicación es básicamente la misma que la...