Most cair michigan related news are at:

Ibrahim Hooper’s former employer — “America’s Greatest Enemy — THE JEW!” 26 Apr 2009 | 05:40 am
(Bottom image of IAP publication from the 1995 PBS documentary Jihad in America: Terrorists Among Us) We’re so glad that CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper took to PRNewswire yesterday to pl...
Holy Land Foundation defendants guilty on all counts — CAIR named unindicted co-conspirator 25 Nov 2008 | 11:32 am
November 24, 2008 Justice served: Holy Land Foundation defendants guilty on all counts It was during the first Holy Land Foundation trial last year that the Muslim Brotherhood memorandum about their ...
More cair michigan related news:
Autos on the Go (Franklin, Michigan) – Avoid the Guttersnipes Like the Plague 3 Apr 2011 | 03:38 pm
I normally don’t do this through my blog, but this time the circumstances were just too much to keep quiet. A few months back I moved from San Jose, California to Vancouver, British Columbia on a new...
Winter Care for Wild Birds 30 Sep 2009 | 03:00 am
Here in Michigan and other temperate climates, winter survival is everything for wild birds. The search for food starts at dawn and continues till dusk. If a bird is able to eat enough, it will store ...
Congratulations to Virinder Moudgil 27 May 2012 | 05:29 am
Sharing this couple of weeks late… Sorry about it. Congratulations to Michigan Indian Community Member Virinder Moudgil on being appointed Lawrence Technological University’s President. He is the sev...
Anuja Rajendra appointed to Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness, Health and Sports 23 May 2012 | 05:18 am
Anuja Rajendra Congratulations to Anuja Rajendra – CEO/creator of Bollyfit, on being appointed to Michigan Governor’s Council of Physical Fitness, Health and Sports. Here’s the except from the offici...
Snow Day! 13 Jan 2011 | 03:40 am
Happy snow day, everybody. It seems that all my friends, no matter where they live have seen snow in the past few days: Washington, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia,...
Scotts Snap Spreader System Perfect For Spring 22 Mar 2012 | 10:00 am
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine. Spring has come early to Michigan and I was just sitting on my porch yesterday thinking "my la...
NeverBall 11 Sep 2009 | 05:11 am
Descrição: Conduza uma bola por labirintos diversos e desafiantes repletos de obstáculos e itens para pegar, tomando cuidado para não cair nos buracos e tendo paciência para passar por plataformas que...
Michigan 400 Summer Event: 200 Runden im Schnelldurchlauf 19 Jul 2009 | 11:18 pm
David Kirsch hat ein Video über sein Rennen beim Michigan 400 Summer Event erstellt. Es sind alle 200 Runden zu sehen, allerdings in deutlich erhöhter Geschwindigkeit: Thread im VR-Forum
8/21/10 Michigan 22 Aug 2010 | 12:20 am
Back from our trip to Michigan. Kids back to school Monday. Time to get back to business!
Highly touted RB recruit Dee Hart commits to Michigan 9 Oct 2010 | 05:02 pm
Michigan has received a commitment from highly regarded running back Dee Hart. After gaining 267 yards and scoring four touchdowns in a 45-0 Dr. Phillips High victory over Boone on Friday night, Hart,...