Most cake php facebook connect related news are at:

Set age restrictions on Facebook apps with the Graph API 8 Aug 2011 | 06:33 am
This one drove me nuts. Facebook allows developers to restrict applications based on a user’s age and location. This was a pretty important requirement for a recent alcohol brand application we were d...
Configuring GoDaddy SSL Certificates on Nginx 10 Jun 2011 | 09:07 am
There are a number of articles out there on how to install security certificates from GoDaddy on an Nginx server, but the GoDaddy process seems to have changed since those articles were published, so ...
More cake php facebook connect related news:
Tutorial: Integrate Facebook Connect to your website using PHP SDK v.3.x.x which uses Graph API 19 Sep 2011 | 06:44 am
Now-a-days it is common for websites to have Facebook Connect integrated to it. Facebook Connect is the iteration of Facebook Platform that allows users to ‘connect’ their Facebook identity, friends a...
Gettin started with Facebook connect in PHP 10 Jun 2010 | 03:54 pm Permalink | Leave a comment »
Integrasikan Single Sign On (SSO) Facebook Connect dengan Website Berbasis PHP 15 Nov 2009 | 08:23 pm
Facebook merupakan website jejaring sosial terbesar saat ini. Berdasarakan data Alexa Facebook menempati peringkat ke dua terbesar di seluruh dunia setelah Google. Untuk di Indonesia sendiri Facebook ...
Simple Facebook Graph API iframe Application – Full code 16 Aug 2011 | 09:54 am
Facebook Connect PHP toolkit is PHP library specialized for development of Facebook Connect websites and Facebook iFrame applications. Both types of web applications are based on the same technology -...
Tutorial: Integrate Facebook Connect to your website using PHP SDK v.3.x.x which uses Graph API 19 Sep 2011 | 02:44 am
Now-a-days it is common for websites to have Facebook Connect integrated to it. Facebook Connect is the iteration of Facebook Platform that allows users to ‘connect’ their Facebook identity, friends a...
EDEN PHP La librarie par exellence 1 Feb 2013 | 01:03 pm
Eden Php est une libraire PHP comme on en voie peu. Le genre dont on rêve tous les développeurs mais que personne n’a le courage de lancer. Imaginez voir réaliser un Facebook connecte, intégrer l’API ...
Tutorial: Integrate Facebook Connect to your website using PHP SDK v.3.x.x which uses Graph API 18 Sep 2011 | 11:44 pm
Now-a-days it is common for websites to have Facebook Connect integrated to it. Facebook Connect is the iteration of Facebook Platform that allows users to ‘connect’ their Facebook identity, friends a...
Facebook Connect Bağlantı Hatası!!! 14 Aug 2013 | 10:38 am
Arkadaşlar bu problemle karşılaşan varmı ? Notice: Undefined index: email in /home/xxxxxxx/domains/ on line 38Warning: Cannot modify ...
Facebook connect plugint nemtudom beállitni,valaki help pls! 19 Aug 2013 | 02:48 am
Innén töltöttem le: Feldobtam ,akkór betettem menübe és kipróbáltam: Kijelentkeztem és akkór nem jelent meg semmise az oldalon a p...
Huzoor Bux Panhwar – PHP Web Developer | 19 Jul 2013 | 12:56 pm
Huzoor Bux Panhwar – PHP Web Developer | Related posts: PHP 5.4.0 RC3 released Facebook Connect – PHP Classes Dropbox Lunchs Updated Image View, Document Previews for Web