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Sample Debt Verification Letter Example 5 Dec 2010 | 01:23 pm
Following is a highly effective example of a Letter that I have sent on behalf of clients to various Debt Collection Agencies. It is an amalgamation of a variety of highly effective letters written by...
Temporary Loan Modifications and Loan Forbearance Agreements Are A Scam! 5 Dec 2010 | 12:53 pm
The banks are not in business to help you and no better way do the banks exemplify this than by offering Temporary Loan Modifications. The banks offer these temporary loan modifications under the ausp...
More california lottery winners related news:
(California) Lotto Winner Who Accidentally Gave Away Ticket Claims Man Pressured and Confused Her (Video) 2 Apr 2012 | 04:42 pm
The two-time California lottery winner who claimed to inadvertently give a stranger a winning ticket worth six figures says she'd be willing to....
Genesis Diamonds featured on News Channel 5 with 10 carat $420,000 Diamond 2 Apr 2012 | 03:12 am
Genesis Diamonds was featured in a News Channel 5 segment on the upcoming lottery and what lottery winners could spend their winnings on.
Hobson’s Choice and 15 other twist-in-the-tail stories 17 May 2012 | 07:09 pm
Product Description This is a collection of stories whose endings you can try to predict, but you will almost always get it wrong. From the lottery-winner who inspires enmity in his neighbour, to the...
BMW X3 Reviews – 4WD Car Of The Year 12 Jul 2011 | 09:52 pm
The BMW X3 isn’t your every day vehicle, except if needless to say you are the son of the sheik or a modern million dollar lottery winner. You surely need to be well-off to pay for a thing, which can ...
3 Reasons Lottery Software is Perfect to Pick Winning Numbers 14 Sep 2010 | 10:08 pm
There is an “insiders” secret that many big time lottery winners don’t want you to know about. Actually it isn’t so much the luckyu, one time only big jackpot winners. It is the thousands of folks tha...
California Lottery Warner Bros. Records VIP Lounge is OPEN! 10 Sep 2009 | 09:24 am
Alcone has just launched the California Lottery’s VIP Lounge website. This website was developed to promote the Lottery’s Warner Bros. Records Scratchers. Rather than the typical linear website, we ...
Vancouver’s House Prices Beyond the Reach of Non-Lottery Winners 8 Jun 2011 | 06:44 am
Image: The “Vancouver property bubble” has hit the headlines three times in the past few days in the mainstream media so this has motivated me to get off the couch...
News Stalks Lottery Winner on State Aid - The Toast 13 Mar 2012 | 06:17 am
[attachment:9925]A lottery winner receiving state aid is no match for a tireless news reporter.
Be Aware of Phone Scams 19 Feb 2011 | 05:09 am
Don’t be scammed by phone operators posing as lottery winner informers. Listen to this recorded phone conversation of an elderly phone scam. Click here now to listen
3 Reasons Lottery Software is Perfect to Pick Winning Numbers 11 Nov 2010 | 03:31 pm
There is an “insiders” secret that many big time lottery winners don’t want you to know about. Actually it isn’t so much the lucky, one time only big jackpot winners. It is the thousands of folks that...