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The Financials Of Payday Loans (And Why They Might Not Be As Bad As You Think) 27 Aug 2013 | 03:20 pm
ZOMG! Have you SEEN the interest rates payday loan companies charge? They’re worse than deep fried Oreos. Can you believe that there are companies that actually engage in this business? If I was in ch...
Monday Morning Dump: Uhaul Sucks Edition 25 Aug 2013 | 03:20 pm
Why is the dump a day late? HOW ABOUT YOU DON’T ASK QUESTIONS, BUCKO? Remember when I talked about moving? Well, it happened yesterday. I had a couple friends help me out, which is surprising to all ...
More can netflix streaming replace cable related news:
Is Streaming Your DVR? 26 Dec 2012 | 07:23 pm
How do you use your DVR? Have Netflix and Hulu Plus replaced it? It turns out that more and more people are using streaming services, not just to avoid cable bills but to replace the hardware DVR in...
No HD with Netflix 25 Aug 2013 | 01:10 am
I have a WD TV Live and I cant get HD to play in Netflix. I have a Roku box in another room and it plays perfectly fine. I an using the same brand hdmi cables on both boxes. I can stream HD from my m...