Most canadian party platforms 2011 related news are at:

Revisiting Rebuilding the House – Involving the public 21 Aug 2013 | 10:06 pm
Background: The UK House of Commons Political and Constitutional Reform Committee (PCRC) released its Third Report of Session 2013-14, Revisiting Rebuilding the House: the impact of the Wright reforms...
Voter gender bias towards female party leaders 16 Aug 2013 | 07:45 pm
“The reaction to being the first female prime minister does not explain everything about my prime ministership, nor does it explain nothing about my prime ministership. It explains some things (…) Rea...
More canadian party platforms 2011 related news:
Election Canada 2011 | Party Policies on Justice and Law 2 Apr 2011 | 11:11 am
The 2011 Canadian election is quickly approaching with the race turning into a closer contest day by day. Keeping in line with the theme of this blog, I thought it would make sense to post the head n...
No All Party Parliamentary Support for NATO War On Libya 3 Jun 2011 | 02:57 pm
TO THE LEADERS OF THE PARLIAMENTARY OPPOSITION PARTIES IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. June 2nd 2011 Don Currie Chair, Canadians for Peace and Socialism (CPS) Box 168 Slocan BC V0G 2C0 Phone: 250 355 2669...
Sortie du Joomla! Platform 11.3 29 Nov 2011 | 11:17 pm
La derniere mouture de 2011, la version 11.3 du framework de Joomla! CMS est sortie. Cette version de la Joomla! Platform servira en grande partie au socle technique de Joomla! CMS 2.5 qui sortira cou...
Party wall legislation and procedure (6th edition) is now available for consultation 29 Jun 2011 | 11:22 pm
A new RICS draft guidance note - Party wall legislation and procedure (6th edition) - is available for review and comment on the RICS consultations platform iConsult until 25 July 2011.
The Tea Party 28 Jul 2013 | 07:00 am
TICKETS ON SALE JULY 3RD AT 10AM On the road again, multi-platinum Canadian rockers THE TEA PARTY are following up on the success of their 2011/2012 reunion tours of Canada, The U.S. and Australia. C...